Das Trading Tool ist ein leistungsstarkes Werkzeug, das speziell für den MT4 programmiert wurde und als Handels Tool im Forex hervorragende Arbeit leistet. Die vielvältigen Funktionen erleichtern das Traden ungemein.
Die im Trading Tool eingebauten Order Öffnungsarten mit nur einem Klick, oder Einstiege an Trendlinien geben Ihnen viele verschiedene Möglichkeiten Ihre persönliche Strategie zu traden. Dieser Trading Tool EA ist kein EA der automatisch irgendwelche Order öffnet oder schließt. Sie haben immer die volle Kontrolle über Ihr Handeln.
Dieses Trading Tool bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit Ihre Trades direkt auf dem Chart mit automatischen Breakeven, automatischen Trailingstopp und vielen weiteren Funktion zu verwalten.
Nehmen Sie Kontakt per Skype auf
Schließen aller Order im Account Schließen aller Order nur im Währungspaar BUY/SELL Order öffnen Schließen aller Order bei Gewinn in Geld Pending Order: Sellstopp,Selllimit, Buystopp,Buylimit Verdoppelte Lot Order Einstiege an Linien im Chart: BuyLinie, Selllinie Kanal Button Stopp Kanal Button Limit Breakeven auf Knopfdruck Teilclose Order drehen |
Ein & Ausblenden Historische Auswertung Info zum Tool Profit Anzeige Währungspaar Profit Anzeige Account Anzeige Spread Anzeigen Order, Profit, Risiko in Geld, Risiko in % Unsichtbare Stop Loss Automatisches Trailing Automatischer Breakeven Nulllinien anzeigen |
Die Funktionen des Trading Tools sind bis auf wenige Voreinstellungen alle direkt im Chart ausführbar. Auf diese Weise ermöglicht das Tool dem Trader eine wesentlich schnellere Aktion beim Handeln und er behält alle wichtigen Information im Blick.
Kommen wir aber nun zu den Funktionen des Tools. Wir beginnen ganz oben und arbeiten uns Schritt für Schritt durch, bis Sie alle notwendigen Information bekommen haben.
Es wird die aktuell verbleibende Zeit der aktuellen Kerze angezeigt, sowie das Datum und die aktuelle Severzeit.
Durch Klick auf diesen Button, wird das zuvor ausgeblendete Tool wieder im Chart angezeigt.
Durch Klick auf diesen Button werden alle Anzeigen aus dem Chart ausgeblendet. Dies ist sehr nützlich wenn Sie den gesamten Chart sehen wollen.
Durch Klick auf diesen Button, wird beim ersten Aufsetzen das Tool für den aktuellen Chart generiert.
Wenn Sie während der Arbeit mit dem Tool auf Start klicken, werden alle Wert in den Eingabefeldern auf den Urzustand, also auf die Vorbelegung zurück gesetzt.
Bei Klick auf diesen Button wird Ihnen eine Auswertung der getätigten Trades, Verluste, Gewinne usw. angezeigt. Je nachdem welche Zeiteinheit Sie in der History eingestellt haben werden die Werte dementsprechend berechnet und ausgegeben.
Wenn Sie auf den Info Button klicken, werden Ihnen nochmals die Funktionen des Tools angezeigt.
Diese Anzeige rechnet alle offenen Order zusammen und zeigt Ihnen den aktuellen Stand auf diesem Währungspaar. Diese Anzeige werden Sie lieben, glauben Sie es mir, da Sie immer und sofort sehen, wie der aktuelle Stand ist. Diese Anzeige wird wenn wir zum Close All Button kommen eine wichtige Rolle spielen.
Hier wird Ihnen der aktuelle Spread Ihres Brokers angezeigt. So haben Sie immer einen Überblick. Gerade bei anstehenden News werden Sie hier Veränderungen und Spreadausweitungen feststellen können. Die dahinter stehende Volumen Anzeige, zeigt Ihnen die Größe der aktuellen Kerze.
Hier sehen Sie die Anzahl aller auf dem Account geöffneten Order, einberechnet werden alle Order aller Paare.
Hier wird der Profit des gesamten Accounts angezeigt für alle Paare. So behalten Sie immer den Überblick.
Durch Klick auf diesen Button wird gleichzeitig ein Buy und eine Sell Order geöffnet. Ebenso wird ein vordefinierter TakeProfit, StopLoss und wenn angeschalten auch der unsichtbare SL gesetzt.
Dieser Button ist sinnvoll wenn eine spezielle Strategie angewendet wird. (Näheres dazu gern über persönlichen Kontakt)
Achtung!!!! Wenn dieser Button genutzt wird, sollten sofort nach Order Öffnung die Autobreakeven, und Trailingstops angepasst werden.
Durch Klick auf diesen Button, werden sofort alle offenen Order dieses Paares, egal ob Buy, Sell, Plus oder Minus geschlossen.
Beispiel zur Nutzung:
Wenn Sie mehrer Order geöffnet haben, ist es ohne das Tool sehr schwer festzustellen wann der Profit im Plus ist. Und dann noch alle Order wenn Sie im Plus sind gleichzeitig zu schließen ist ohne das Tool nicht möglich.
Und genau hier liegt eine der Stärken des Trading Tools. Sie sehen über den Profit genau wann Sie im Plus sind und können mit nur einem Klick alle Order aus dem Markt nehmen. Wenn Sie das Tool als DEMO testen werden Sie selber merken wie toll dieser Button ist.
In dieses Feld, können Sie eine Wert in Geld, je nach Kontowährung eintragen.
Sobald der Profit dieses Währungspaars diesen Wert erreicht, werden alle Order, ob Sell, Buy, Plus oder Minus sofort geschlossen. Am Ende ist es ja egal ob Order im Minus oder Plus sind. Wenn der Zielwert erreicht ist, schließt das Tool alle Order mit dem vordefinierten Gewinn.
Wenn sie ohne das Tool traden und in verschiedenen Paaren Order geöffnet haben, sehen Sie schon einmal nicht wie der Stand im aktuellen Paar ist. Wenn Sie nun noch in einem bestimmten oder mehrern Paaren mehrere Order geöffnet haben, haben Sie keine Möglichkeit diese einzeln zusammenzurechnen und dann gegebenfalls die entsprechenden zu schließen. Da sich durch die Marktbewegungen die Werte so schnell ändern, werden Sie keinen passenden Punkt finden.
Dieses Problem, werden Sie mit dem Tool nicht mehr haben. Das Tool berechnet den Profit selber und wird sobald Ihr Geld Ziel erreicht ist die Order schließen.
Bei Klick auf diesen Button wird sofort eine Sell Order mit den angegebenen Lots Feld rechts geöffnet. Gleichzeitig wird ein StopLoss und Take Profit laut der voreingestellten Werte erzeugt.Haben Sie den unsichtbaren StopLoss aktiviert, wird auch dieser automatisch angezeigt.
Nun können Sie die SLs und TPs an ihre Strategie angepasst direkt im Chart platzieren.
Der große Vorteil des setzen einer Order mit dem Tool gegenüber der Ordereröffnung ohne dieses Tool liegt denke ich klar auf der Hand. Es ist die Zeit und der Aufwand.
Wenn Sie ohne das Tool eine Order öffnen wollen und ein TP und SL setzen wollen, müssen Sie dies umständlich über die Fenstereingabe vornehmen. Dies kann leich mal 5 bis 10 Sekunden dauern.
Mit dem Tool benötigen Sie 1 Sekunde....
In dieses Feld geben Sie die Lot die Sie öffnen wollen ein. Achtung die Eingabe muss mit Punkt erfolgen. Falsch = 0,01 Richtig = 0.01
Bei Klick auf diesen Button wird sofort eine Buy Order mit den angegebenen Lots Feld rechts geöffnet. Gleichzeitig wird ein StopLoss und Take Profit laut der voreingestellten Werte erzeugt.Haben Sie den unsichtbaren StopLoss aktiviert, wird auch dieser automatisch angezeigt.
Nun können Sie die SLs und TPs an ihre Strategie angepasst direkt im Chart platzieren.
Der große Vorteil des Setzen einer Order mit dem Tool gegenüber der Ordereröffnung ohne dieses Tool liegt denke ich klar auf der Hand. Es ist die Zeit und der Aufwand.
Wenn Sie ohne das Tool eine Order öffnen wollen und ein TP und SL setzen wollen, müssen Sie dies umständlich über die Fenstereingabe vornehmen. Dies kann leich mal 5 bis 10 Sekunden dauern.
Mit dem Tool benötigen Sie 1 Sekunde....
Bei Klick auf diesen Button wird sofort eine SellStopp - Pending Order mit den angegebenen Lots im Chart gezeichnet.
Die Pending Order wird 100 Punkte (10Pips) unterhalb vom aktuellen Bid Preis im Chart angelegt.
Gleichzeitig wird ein StopLoss und Take Profit laut der voreingestellten Werte erzeugt.Haben Sie den unsichtbaren StopLoss aktiviert, wird auch dieser automatisch angezeigt.
Nun können Sie die Pending Order, die SLs und TPs an ihre Strategie angepasst direkt im Chart platzieren.
Der große Vorteil des Setzen einer Order mit dem Tool gegenüber der Ordereröffnung ohne dieses Tool liegt denke ich klar auf der Hand. Es ist die Zeit und der Aufwand.
Wenn Sie ohne das Tool eine Order öffnen wollen und ein TP und SL setzen wollen, müssen Sie dies umständlich über die Fenstereingabe vornehmen. Dies kann leich mal 5 bis 10 Sekunden dauern.
Mit dem Tool benötigen Sie 1 Sekunde....
Bei Klick auf diesen Button wird sofort eine BuyStopp - Pending Order mit den angegebenen Lots im Chart gezeichnet.
Die Pending Order wird 100 Punkte (10Pips) oberhalb vom aktuellen Bid Preis im Chart angelegt.
Gleichzeitig wird ein StopLoss und Take Profit laut der voreingestellten Werte erzeugt.Haben Sie den unsichtbaren StopLoss aktiviert, wird auch dieser automatisch angezeigt.
Nun können Sie die Pending Order, die SLs und TPs an ihre Strategie angepasst direkt im Chart platzieren.
Der große Vorteil des Setzen einer Order mit dem Tool gegenüber der Ordereröffnung ohne dieses Tool liegt denke ich klar auf der Hand. Es ist die Zeit und der Aufwand.
Wenn Sie ohne das Tool eine Order öffnen wollen und ein TP und SL setzen wollen, müssen Sie dies umständlich über die Fenstereingabe vornehmen. Dies kann leich mal 5 bis 10 Sekunden dauern.
Mit dem Tool benötigen Sie 1 Sekunde....
Bei Klick auf diesen Button wird sofort eine SellLimit - Pending Order mit den angegebenen Lots im Chart gezeichnet.
Die Pending Order wird 100 Punkte (10Pips) oberhalb vom aktuellen Bid Preis im Chart angelegt.
Gleichzeitig wird ein StopLoss und Take Profit laut der voreingestellten Werte erzeugt.Haben Sie den unsichtbaren StopLoss aktiviert, wird auch dieser automatisch angezeigt.
Nun können Sie die Pending Order, die SLs und TPs an ihre Strategie angepasst direkt im Chart platzieren.
Der große Vorteil des Setzen einer Order mit dem Tool gegenüber der Ordereröffnung ohne dieses Tool liegt denke ich klar auf der Hand. Es ist die Zeit und der Aufwand.
Wenn Sie ohne das Tool eine Order öffnen wollen und ein TP und SL setzen wollen, müssen Sie dies umständlich über die Fenstereingabe vornehmen. Dies kann leich mal 5 bis 10 Sekunden dauern.
Mit dem Tool benötigen Sie 1 Sekunde....
Bei Klick auf diesen Button wird sofort eine BuyLimit - Pending Order mit den angegebenen Lots im Chart gezeichnet.
Die Pending Order wird 100 Punkte (10Pips) unterhalb vom aktuellen Bid Preis im Chart angelegt.
Gleichzeitig wird ein StopLoss und Take Profit laut der voreingestellten Werte erzeugt.Haben Sie den unsichtbaren StopLoss aktiviert, wird auch dieser automatisch angezeigt.
Nun können Sie die Pending Order, die SLs und TPs an ihre Strategie angepasst direkt im Chart platzieren.
Der große Vorteil des Setzen einer Order mit dem Tool gegenüber der Ordereröffnung ohne dieses Tool liegt denke ich klar auf der Hand. Es ist die Zeit und der Aufwand.
Wenn Sie ohne das Tool eine Order öffnen wollen und ein TP und SL setzen wollen, müssen Sie dies umständlich über die Fenstereingabe vornehmen. Dies kann leich mal 5 bis 10 Sekunden dauern.
Mit dem Tool benötigen Sie 1 Sekunde....
Sobald Sie eine Sell Order über den Buttton Sell geöffnet haben, wird dieser Button automatisch auf die doppelte Lotgröße gesetzt. Somit können Sie schnell doppelte Lots in den Markt schicken.
Sobald Sie eine Buy Order über den Buttton Buy geöffnet haben, wird dieser Button automatisch auf die doppelte Lotgröße gesetzt. Somit können Sie schnell doppelte Lots in den Markt schicken.
Durch einen Klick auf diesen Button wird eine Linie unterhalb des Bid Preises in den Chart gezeichnet. Sobald der die Kerze durch diese Linie bricht, wird ein Sell Trade geöffnet und automatisch der voreingestellte SL und TP gesetzt. Sind die unsichtbaren SLs aktiviert werden auch diese automatisch gesetzt.
Diese Linie eignet sich sehr gut um Ausbrüche an diagonalen Kanälen zu traden, da die Linie im Chart Ihren Bedürfnissen angepasst werden kann. Ist der Trade geöffnet wird die Linie wieder aus dem Chart entfernt und das Tool arbeitet den Trade mit Autobreakeven, TS usw. nach Ihren Vorgaben ab.
Durch einen Klick auf diesen Button wird eine Linie oberhalb des Bid Preises in den Chart gezeichnet. Sobald der die Kerze durch diese Linie bricht, wird ein Buy Trade geöffnet und automatisch der voreingestellte SL und TP gesetzt. Sind die unsichtbaren SLs aktiviert werden auch diese automatisch gesetzt.
Diese Linie eignet sich sehr gut um Ausbrüche an diagonalen Kanälen zu traden, da die Linie im Chart Ihren Bedürfnissen angepasst werden kann. Ist der Trade geöffnet wird die Linie wieder aus dem Chart entfernt und das Tool arbeitet den Trade mit Autobreakeven, TS usw. nach Ihren Vorgaben ab.
Wenn Sie diesen Button klicken, werden zwei Linien in den Chart gezeichnet, eine oberhalb und eine unterhalb des Bid Preises. Sobald die Kerze eine der beiden Linien durchbricht wird entweder ein Buy oder eine Sell Order inkl. SL TP und wenn aktiviert unsichtbare SL geöffnet. Im gleichen Moment werden beide Linien wieder gelöscht.
So können Sie News traden, oder Kanaltrading betreiben oder Dreiecksformationen traden. Dies ist möglich, da Sie die Linien im Chart an Ihre Strategie anpassen können.
Hier sehen Sie die geöffneten Buy Order dieses Währungspaars
Hier sehen Sie die geöffneten Sell Order dieses Währungspaars
Hier werden Ihnen die gesamt geöffneten Lot dieses Paares angezeigt
Hier wird Ihnen das Risiko aller geöffneten Order bezüglich der SLs zusammen gerechnet angezeigt.
Hier sehen Sie wie hoch das prozentuale Risiko der geöffneten Order für den Account ist.
Sobald eine Order geöffnet wird, erzeugt das Tool eine Zeile in der Sie alle wichtigen Informationen zur entsprechenden Order angezeigt bekommen.
An erster Stelle sehen Sie das Risiko der Order in Geld bezugnehmend auf das gesetzte SL.An zweiter Stelle wird die OrderNummer angezeigt
An dritter Stelle sehen Sie ob es eine Sell oder Buy Order ist. Zusaätzlich werden Buy Order immer schwarz und Sell Order immer rot gezeichnet.
An vierter Stelle sehen Sie die geöffneten Lot dieser Order.
An fünfter Stelle wird der aktuelle Wert in Punkten angezeigt.
An sechster Stelle sehen Sie den aktuellen Wert der Order in Geld.
Der Button mit dem kleinen X wird diese und nur diese Order oberhalb sofort schließen
Dieses Feld kontrolliert den Trailingstopp.
Beispiel: Wenn Sie in dieses Feld eine 50 eintragen, dann fungiert dieses Feld wie eine Art Schalter. Läuft der Kurs in Ihre Richtung und erreicht die 50 Punkte im Plus, wird der Trailingstop aktiviert und mit dem Wert des zweiten Feldes (Trailingnachzug) dem Kurs hinterher gezogen.Auf diese Weise können Sie Ihre Trades wesentlich effektiver verwalten.
Dieses Feld ist der eigentliche Trailingstopp wie Sie Ihn vom MT4 kennen.
Beispiel: Wenn Sie in dieses Feld 10 eingeben, wird der SL nach auslösen durch Trailingstart dem Kurs 10 Punkte nachgezogen.
In unserem Beispiel, würde also folgendes geschehen. Der Kurs läuft 50 Punkte ins Plus und aktiviert den Trailingnachzug (10). Ab diesem Moment wird der SL auf 10 Punkte hinter den aktuellen Preis gelegt und im Abstand dieses Wertes dem Kurs nachgezogen.
In dieses Feld können Sie den Wert in Lot eintragen, der bei Betätigung des TeilcloseButten aus der aktuellen Order genommen werden soll.
Beispiel: Sie haben eine Order mit 0.5 Lot geöffnet und der Kurs hat Ihren ersten Zielbereich erreicht und Sie wollen die Hälfte der Lot im Gewinn aus der Order nehmen, dann tragen Sie in dieses Feld einfach 0.25 ein und klicken auf den T -C Button direkt rechts daneben und es werden die 0.25 Lot aus der Order genommen.
Je nachdem wieviel Lot Sie rauß nehmen wollen, können Sie hier die Werte anpassen und das für jede Order extra.....
Durch klick auf diesen Button, werden die im Feld links eingetragenen Lot sofort aus der Order genommen.
Das Trading Tool hat diese besondere Funktion die gerade bei schnellen Bewegungen von Vorteil sein kann.
Sie können schon in den Voreinstellungen einen Wert eintragen, der automatisch bei Öffnung einer Order übernommen wird.
Zusätzlich können Sie in den Voreinstellungen bestimmen bei Welchem Wert der Breakeven gesetzt werden soll.
Beispiel: Sie tragen in den Voreinstellungen bei Breakevenwert 10 ein und bei Breakevenstart 20, dann wird folgendes abgearbeitet.
Sobald der Kurs 20 Punkte in Ihre Richtung gelaufen ist, setzt das Tool automatisch den SL auf die voreingestellten Breakevenwert also 10 Punkte im Plus.
Auf diese Weise können Sie gerade bei schnellen Bewegungen Ihre Order shnell und mit einem Gewinn absichern.
Sie haben immer die Möglichkeit diese Werte nach Ihrer Strategie einzurichten und anzupassen.
Durch einen Klick auf diesen Button wird die Order insofern Sie im Plus und größer als der Breakevenwert ist, auf den eingestellten Breakevenwert gesetzt.
Beispiel: Sie haben eine Breakevenvoreinstellung von 10 eingegeben und ein Breakevenstart von 50 und der Kurs ist mindestens 11 Punkte im Plus, dann wird das SL bei Klick des Breakeven - Button auf die 10 Punkte im Plus gesetzt.
Auf diese Weise können Sie zu jeder Zeit Ihre Trades mit einem Gewinn absichern und müssen nicht das SL im Chart hin und her ziehen.
Hier wird Ihnen angezeigt ob sich die einzelne Order gerade im Plus oder Minus befindet. So haben Sie eine sehr einfache und schnelle Übersicht.
Und so legen Sie das Trading Tool auf dem MT4 auf.
1. Senden Sie uns eine E-Mail an tradingtool-demo[at]bull-of-trade.de mit Ihrer Accountnummer und Ihrem Namen.
2. Wir senden Ihnen das Tool inkl. der Lizenz zu.
3. Speichern Sie das Tool im Ordner Experts im MT4 ab und schließen Sie den MT4
4. Öffnen Sie den MT4 wieder und schließen Sie alle Charts.
5. Öffnen Sie nun das erste Währungspaar z.B EURUSD und erstellen Sie Ihre Template Vorlage nach Ihren Wünschen und speichern diese ab.
6. Klicken Sie auf die Eigenschaften des Charts und setzen Sie einen Haken bei Objektbeschreibung anzeigen. Entfernen Sie den Haken bei OHLC anzeigen und entfernen Sie den Haken bei Chart im Vordergrund.
7. Ziehen Sie das Trading Tool auf den Chart, es öffnen sich die Eigenschaften des Tools
8. Geben Sie nun im oberen Bereich Name, Ablaufdatum, Accountnummer und Lizenzcode die Werte ein die wir Ihnen in der Lizenz pdf. übermittelt haben.
9. Klicken Sie bei allgemein noch auf Live Trading zulassen.
10. Klicken Sie jetzt rechts auf speichern und speichern Sie die Einstellungen ab.
11. Klicken Sie nun auf ok.
12. Im Chart werden verschiedene Felder eingeblendet. Klicken Sie einmal oben auf Start und anschließend auf Einblenden.
Das Tool ist nun für diesen Chart eingestellt und arbeitet.
Wiederholen Sie diesen Vorgang für jedes weitere Währungspaar.
Achten Sie bitte darauf, dass Sie in das Feld MagicNumber für jedes Währungspaar eine ander Nummer eingeben.
Beispiel: EURUSD = 1, USDJPY =2 usw.usw.
Ein wichtiger Punkt den Sie beachten müssen.
Bitte nie das Tool mit dem Template abspeichern!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Erstellen Sie Ihre Templates im Vorfeld und ziehen Sie im Anschluß das Tool auf die fertig gespeicherte Template Vorlage .
Hier können Sie sich das Tool kostenlos laden. Sie erhalten eine pdf, die Ihnen das weitere Vorgehen genau beschreibt.
Da das Tool sehr viele Funktionen hat, ist es sinnvoll eine kostenlose Einweisung in das Tool vor zu nehmen.
Melden Sie sich einfach über Skype: bull-of-trade-support, oder hier : Nehmen Sie Kontakt per Skype auf
und wir stellen das Tool gemeinsam für Ihre Bedürfnisse ein.
Das Trading Tool besticht mit seinen vielen sehr nützlichen und zum Trading fast unverzichtbaren Funktionen. Überzeugen Sie sich selber und testen Sie es auf Herz und Nieren.
Dieser Bereich ist noch in Vorbereitung.
Es gibt speziell auf das Trading Tool abgestimmte Handelsstrategien und Ansätze, die von verschiedenen Tradern bereits eingesetzt werden.
{ "__default": { "session": { "counter": 1, "timer": { "start": 1733584335, "last": 1733584335, "now": 1733584335 } }, "registry": {}, "user": { "id": 0, "name": null, "username": null, "email": null, "password": null, "password_clear": "", "block": null, "sendEmail": 0, "registerDate": null, "lastvisitDate": null, "activation": null, "params": null, "groups": [], "guest": 1, "lastResetTime": null, "resetCount": null, "requireReset": null, "aid": 0 } } }
SELECT `data`
FROM `TGp2o_session`
WHERE `session_id` = '748d4386ae50e71eb7082b7cf588e911'
id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
1 | SIMPLE | TGp2o_session | const | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 194 | const | 1 |
Status | Duration |
Starting | 0.02 ms |
checking permissions | 0.00 ms |
Opening tables | 0.01 ms |
After opening tables | 0.00 ms |
System lock | 0.00 ms |
table lock | 0.00 ms |
init | 0.01 ms |
Optimizing | 0.03 ms |
Statistics | 0.03 ms |
Preparing | 0.00 ms |
Executing | 0.01 ms |
End of update loop | 0.00 ms |
Query end | 0.00 ms |
Commit | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Unlocking tables | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Starting cleanup | 0.00 ms |
Freeing items | 0.00 ms |
Updating status | 0.00 ms |
Reset for next command | 0.00 ms |
# | Aufrufer | Datei und Zeilennummer |
16 | JDatabaseDriverMysqli->execute() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/database/driver.php:1740 |
15 | JDatabaseDriver->loadResult() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/session/storage/database.php:45 |
14 | JSessionStorageDatabase->read() | Derselbe Aufruf in der Zeile darunter. |
13 | session_start() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/session/handler/native.php:260 |
12 | JSessionHandlerNative->doSessionStart() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/session/handler/native.php:50 |
11 | JSessionHandlerNative->start() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/session/handler/joomla.php:88 |
10 | JSessionHandlerJoomla->start() | JROOT/libraries/src/Session/Session.php:660 |
9 | Joomla\CMS\Session\Session->_start() | JROOT/libraries/src/Session/Session.php:620 |
8 | Joomla\CMS\Session\Session->start() | JROOT/libraries/src/Session/Session.php:498 |
7 | Joomla\CMS\Session\Session->get() | JROOT/libraries/src/Session/Session.php:455 |
6 | Joomla\CMS\Session\Session->isNew() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:758 |
5 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->loadSession() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:135 |
4 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->__construct() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:66 |
3 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->__construct() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:344 |
2 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication::getInstance() | JROOT/libraries/src/Factory.php:140 |
1 | Joomla\CMS\Factory::getApplication() | JROOT/index.php:46 |
SELECT `session_id`
FROM `TGp2o_session`
WHERE `session_id` = '748d4386ae50e71eb7082b7cf588e911'
id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
1 | SIMPLE | TGp2o_session | const | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 194 | const | 1 | Using index |
Status | Duration |
Starting | 0.01 ms |
checking permissions | 0.00 ms |
Opening tables | 0.00 ms |
After opening tables | 0.00 ms |
System lock | 0.00 ms |
table lock | 0.00 ms |
init | 0.00 ms |
Optimizing | 0.00 ms |
Statistics | 0.01 ms |
Preparing | 0.00 ms |
Executing | 0.01 ms |
End of update loop | 0.00 ms |
Query end | 0.00 ms |
Commit | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Unlocking tables | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Starting cleanup | 0.00 ms |
Freeing items | 0.00 ms |
Updating status | 0.00 ms |
Reset for next command | 0.00 ms |
# | Aufrufer | Datei und Zeilennummer |
9 | JDatabaseDriverMysqli->execute() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/database/driver.php:1740 |
8 | JDatabaseDriver->loadResult() | JROOT/libraries/src/Session/MetadataManager.php:74 |
7 | Joomla\CMS\Session\MetadataManager->createRecordIfNonExisting() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:153 |
6 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->checkSession() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:760 |
5 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->loadSession() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:135 |
4 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->__construct() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:66 |
3 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->__construct() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:344 |
2 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication::getInstance() | JROOT/libraries/src/Factory.php:140 |
1 | Joomla\CMS\Factory::getApplication() | JROOT/index.php:46 |
INSERT INTO `TGp2o_session` (`session_id`,`guest`,`time`,`userid`,`username`,`client_id`)
VALUES ('748d4386ae50e71eb7082b7cf588e911', 1, 1733584335, 0, '', 0)
Status | Duration |
Starting | 0.02 ms |
checking permissions | 0.00 ms |
Opening tables | 0.01 ms |
After opening tables | 0.00 ms |
System lock | 0.00 ms |
table lock | 0.00 ms |
init for update | 0.01 ms |
Update | 0.04 ms |
Waiting for query cache lock | 0.00 ms |
Update | 0.01 ms |
End of update loop | 0.00 ms |
Query end | 0.00 ms |
Commit | 0.03 ms |
Writing to binlog | 0.00 ms |
Commit | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Unlocking tables | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Starting cleanup | 0.00 ms |
Freeing items | 0.00 ms |
Updating status | 0.01 ms |
Reset for next command | 0.00 ms |
# | Aufrufer | Datei und Zeilennummer |
8 | JDatabaseDriverMysqli->execute() | JROOT/libraries/src/Session/MetadataManager.php:116 |
7 | Joomla\CMS\Session\MetadataManager->createRecordIfNonExisting() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:153 |
6 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->checkSession() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:760 |
5 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->loadSession() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:135 |
4 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->__construct() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:66 |
3 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->__construct() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:344 |
2 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication::getInstance() | JROOT/libraries/src/Factory.php:140 |
1 | Joomla\CMS\Factory::getApplication() | JROOT/index.php:46 |
SELECT `extension_id` AS `id`,`element` AS `option`,`params`,`enabled`
FROM `TGp2o_extensions`
WHERE `type` = 'component'
AND `state` = 0
AND `enabled` = 1
id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
1 | SIMPLE | TGp2o_extensions | ref | extension | extension | 82 | const | 48 | Using index condition; Using where |
Status | Duration |
Starting | 0.03 ms |
checking permissions | 0.00 ms |
Opening tables | 0.01 ms |
After opening tables | 0.00 ms |
System lock | 0.00 ms |
table lock | 0.00 ms |
init | 0.01 ms |
Optimizing | 0.01 ms |
Statistics | 0.03 ms |
Preparing | 0.02 ms |
Executing | 0.00 ms |
Sending data | 0.10 ms |
End of update loop | 0.00 ms |
Query end | 0.02 ms |
Commit | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Unlocking tables | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.01 ms |
Starting cleanup | 0.00 ms |
Freeing items | 0.00 ms |
Updating status | 0.01 ms |
Reset for next command | 0.00 ms |
# | Aufrufer | Datei und Zeilennummer |
12 | JDatabaseDriverMysqli->execute() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/database/driver.php:1701 |
11 | JDatabaseDriver->loadObjectList() | JROOT/libraries/src/Component/ComponentHelper.php:445 |
10 | Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::Joomla\CMS\Component\{closure}() | Derselbe Aufruf in der Zeile darunter. |
9 | call_user_func_array() | JROOT/libraries/src/Cache/Controller/CallbackController.php:173 |
8 | Joomla\CMS\Cache\Controller\CallbackController->get() | JROOT/libraries/src/Component/ComponentHelper.php:453 |
7 | Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::load() | JROOT/libraries/src/Component/ComponentHelper.php:519 |
6 | Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::getComponents() | JROOT/libraries/src/Component/ComponentHelper.php:44 |
5 | Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::getComponent() | JROOT/libraries/src/Component/ComponentHelper.php:103 |
4 | Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::getParams() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:594 |
3 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->initialiseApp() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:212 |
2 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->doExecute() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:196 |
1 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute() | JROOT/index.php:49 |
SELECT id, rules
FROM `TGp2o_viewlevels`
id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
Status | Duration |
Starting | 0.01 ms |
checking permissions | 0.00 ms |
Opening tables | 0.01 ms |
After opening tables | 0.00 ms |
System lock | 0.00 ms |
table lock | 0.00 ms |
init | 0.00 ms |
Optimizing | 0.00 ms |
Statistics | 0.00 ms |
Preparing | 0.00 ms |
Executing | 0.00 ms |
Sending data | 0.02 ms |
End of update loop | 0.00 ms |
Query end | 0.02 ms |
Commit | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Unlocking tables | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Starting cleanup | 0.00 ms |
Freeing items | 0.00 ms |
Updating status | 0.01 ms |
Reset for next command | 0.00 ms |
# | Aufrufer | Datei und Zeilennummer |
10 | JDatabaseDriverMysqli->execute() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/database/driver.php:1506 |
9 | JDatabaseDriver->loadAssocList() | JROOT/libraries/src/Access/Access.php:1063 |
8 | Joomla\CMS\Access\Access::getAuthorisedViewLevels() | JROOT/libraries/src/User/User.php:458 |
7 | Joomla\CMS\User\User->getAuthorisedViewLevels() | JROOT/libraries/src/Plugin/PluginHelper.php:321 |
6 | Joomla\CMS\Plugin\PluginHelper::load() | JROOT/libraries/src/Plugin/PluginHelper.php:87 |
5 | Joomla\CMS\Plugin\PluginHelper::getPlugin() | JROOT/libraries/src/Plugin/PluginHelper.php:129 |
4 | Joomla\CMS\Plugin\PluginHelper::isEnabled() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:604 |
3 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->initialiseApp() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:212 |
2 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->doExecute() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:196 |
1 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute() | JROOT/index.php:49 |
FROM TGp2o_usergroups AS a
LEFT JOIN TGp2o_usergroups AS b
ON b.lft <= a.lft
AND b.rgt >= a.rgt
WHERE a.id = 9
id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
1 | SIMPLE | a | const | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 4 | const | 1 | |
1 | SIMPLE | b | range | idx_usergroup_nested_set_lookup | idx_usergroup_nested_set_lookup | 4 | NULL | 2 | Using where; Using index |
Status | Duration |
Starting | 0.03 ms |
checking permissions | 0.00 ms |
Opening tables | 0.01 ms |
After opening tables | 0.00 ms |
System lock | 0.00 ms |
table lock | 0.00 ms |
init | 0.01 ms |
Optimizing | 0.01 ms |
Statistics | 0.03 ms |
Preparing | 0.00 ms |
Unlocking tables | 0.00 ms |
Preparing | 0.01 ms |
Executing | 0.00 ms |
Sending data | 0.02 ms |
End of update loop | 0.02 ms |
Query end | 0.00 ms |
Commit | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Unlocking tables | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Starting cleanup | 0.00 ms |
Freeing items | 0.00 ms |
Updating status | 0.01 ms |
Reset for next command | 0.01 ms |
# | Aufrufer | Datei und Zeilennummer |
11 | JDatabaseDriverMysqli->execute() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/database/driver.php:1550 |
10 | JDatabaseDriver->loadColumn() | JROOT/libraries/src/Access/Access.php:980 |
9 | Joomla\CMS\Access\Access::getGroupsByUser() | JROOT/libraries/src/Access/Access.php:1095 |
8 | Joomla\CMS\Access\Access::getAuthorisedViewLevels() | JROOT/libraries/src/User/User.php:458 |
7 | Joomla\CMS\User\User->getAuthorisedViewLevels() | JROOT/libraries/src/Plugin/PluginHelper.php:321 |
6 | Joomla\CMS\Plugin\PluginHelper::load() | JROOT/libraries/src/Plugin/PluginHelper.php:87 |
5 | Joomla\CMS\Plugin\PluginHelper::getPlugin() | JROOT/libraries/src/Plugin/PluginHelper.php:129 |
4 | Joomla\CMS\Plugin\PluginHelper::isEnabled() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:604 |
3 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->initialiseApp() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:212 |
2 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->doExecute() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:196 |
1 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute() | JROOT/index.php:49 |
SELECT `folder` AS `type`,`element` AS `name`,`params` AS `params`,`extension_id` AS `id`
FROM TGp2o_extensions
WHERE enabled = 1
AND type = 'plugin'
AND state IN (0,1)
AND access IN (1,1,5)
ORDER BY ordering
id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
1 | SIMPLE | TGp2o_extensions | ALL | extension | ES KONNTE KEIN INDEX-SCHLÜSSEL GENUTZT WERDEN | NULL | NULL | 319 | Using where; filesort wurde genutzt |
Status | Duration |
Starting | 0.04 ms |
checking permissions | 0.00 ms |
Opening tables | 0.01 ms |
After opening tables | 0.00 ms |
System lock | 0.00 ms |
table lock | 0.00 ms |
init | 0.01 ms |
Optimizing | 0.01 ms |
Statistics | 0.02 ms |
Preparing | 0.01 ms |
Sorting result | 0.00 ms |
Executing | 0.00 ms |
Sending data | 0.00 ms |
Creating sort index | 0.23 ms |
End of update loop | 0.00 ms |
Query end | 0.02 ms |
Commit | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Unlocking tables | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.01 ms |
Starting cleanup | 0.00 ms |
Freeing items | 0.00 ms |
Updating status | 0.01 ms |
Reset for next command | 0.00 ms |
# | Aufrufer | Datei und Zeilennummer |
11 | JDatabaseDriverMysqli->execute() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/database/driver.php:1701 |
10 | JDatabaseDriver->loadObjectList() | JROOT/libraries/src/Plugin/PluginHelper.php:354 |
9 | Joomla\CMS\Plugin\PluginHelper::Joomla\CMS\Plugin\{closure}() | Derselbe Aufruf in der Zeile darunter. |
8 | call_user_func_array() | JROOT/libraries/src/Cache/Controller/CallbackController.php:173 |
7 | Joomla\CMS\Cache\Controller\CallbackController->get() | JROOT/libraries/src/Plugin/PluginHelper.php:359 |
6 | Joomla\CMS\Plugin\PluginHelper::load() | JROOT/libraries/src/Plugin/PluginHelper.php:87 |
5 | Joomla\CMS\Plugin\PluginHelper::getPlugin() | JROOT/libraries/src/Plugin/PluginHelper.php:129 |
4 | Joomla\CMS\Plugin\PluginHelper::isEnabled() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:604 |
3 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->initialiseApp() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:212 |
2 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->doExecute() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:196 |
1 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute() | JROOT/index.php:49 |
Status | Duration |
Starting | 0.03 ms |
checking permissions | 0.00 ms |
Opening tables | 0.02 ms |
After opening tables | 0.00 ms |
System lock | 0.00 ms |
table lock | 0.00 ms |
init | 0.01 ms |
Optimizing | 0.00 ms |
Statistics | 0.01 ms |
Preparing | 0.01 ms |
Executing | 0.00 ms |
Filling schema table | 0.00 ms |
checking permissions | 16.22 ms |
Executing | 0.01 ms |
Sending data | 0.04 ms |
End of update loop | 0.00 ms |
Query end | 0.00 ms |
Commit | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Removing tmp table | 0.01 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Unlocking tables | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Starting cleanup | 0.00 ms |
Freeing items | 0.00 ms |
Updating status | 0.01 ms |
Reset for next command | 0.00 ms |
# | Aufrufer | Datei und Zeilennummer |
12 | JDatabaseDriverMysqli->execute() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/database/driver.php:1550 |
11 | JDatabaseDriver->loadColumn() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/database/driver/mysqli.php:502 |
10 | JDatabaseDriverMysqli->getTableList() | JROOT/plugins/system/jdownloads/jdownloads.php:78 |
9 | plgSystemjdownloads->onAfterInitialise() | Derselbe Aufruf in der Zeile darunter. |
8 | call_user_func_array() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/event/event.php:70 |
7 | JEvent->update() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/event/dispatcher.php:160 |
6 | JEventDispatcher->trigger() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/BaseApplication.php:108 |
5 | Joomla\CMS\Application\BaseApplication->triggerEvent() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:626 |
4 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->initialiseApp() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:686 |
3 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->initialiseApp() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:212 |
2 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->doExecute() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:196 |
1 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute() | JROOT/index.php:49 |
SELECT file_id
from TGp2o_jdownloads_files
WHERE published = 1
AND use_timeframe = 1
AND publish_to != '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
AND publish_to <= '2024-12-07 16:12:15'
id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
1 | SIMPLE | TGp2o_jdownloads_files | ALL | idx_published | ES KONNTE KEIN INDEX-SCHLÜSSEL GENUTZT WERDEN | NULL | NULL | 7 | Using where |
Status | Duration |
Starting | 0.04 ms |
checking permissions | 0.00 ms |
Opening tables | 0.02 ms |
After opening tables | 0.00 ms |
System lock | 0.00 ms |
table lock | 0.00 ms |
init | 0.02 ms |
Optimizing | 0.01 ms |
Statistics | 0.03 ms |
Preparing | 0.01 ms |
Executing | 0.00 ms |
Sending data | 0.02 ms |
End of update loop | 0.00 ms |
Query end | 0.02 ms |
Commit | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Unlocking tables | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Starting cleanup | 0.00 ms |
Freeing items | 0.00 ms |
Updating status | 0.01 ms |
Reset for next command | 0.02 ms |
# | Aufrufer | Datei und Zeilennummer |
11 | JDatabaseDriverMysqli->execute() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/database/driver.php:1550 |
10 | JDatabaseDriver->loadColumn() | JROOT/plugins/system/jdownloads/jdownloads.php:106 |
9 | plgSystemjdownloads->onAfterInitialise() | Derselbe Aufruf in der Zeile darunter. |
8 | call_user_func_array() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/event/event.php:70 |
7 | JEvent->update() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/event/dispatcher.php:160 |
6 | JEventDispatcher->trigger() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/BaseApplication.php:108 |
5 | Joomla\CMS\Application\BaseApplication->triggerEvent() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:626 |
4 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->initialiseApp() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:686 |
3 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->initialiseApp() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:212 |
2 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->doExecute() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:196 |
1 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute() | JROOT/index.php:49 |
SELECT file_id
from TGp2o_jdownloads_files
WHERE published = 0
AND use_timeframe = 1
AND publish_from != '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
AND publish_from <= '2024-12-07 16:12:15'
id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
1 | SIMPLE | TGp2o_jdownloads_files | ref | idx_published | idx_published | 1 | const | 2 | Using where |
Status | Duration |
Starting | 0.02 ms |
checking permissions | 0.00 ms |
Opening tables | 0.01 ms |
After opening tables | 0.00 ms |
System lock | 0.00 ms |
table lock | 0.00 ms |
init | 0.01 ms |
Optimizing | 0.01 ms |
Statistics | 0.02 ms |
Preparing | 0.01 ms |
Executing | 0.00 ms |
Sending data | 0.02 ms |
End of update loop | 0.00 ms |
Query end | 0.00 ms |
Commit | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.02 ms |
Unlocking tables | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Starting cleanup | 0.00 ms |
Freeing items | 0.00 ms |
Updating status | 0.01 ms |
Reset for next command | 0.00 ms |
# | Aufrufer | Datei und Zeilennummer |
11 | JDatabaseDriverMysqli->execute() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/database/driver.php:1550 |
10 | JDatabaseDriver->loadColumn() | JROOT/plugins/system/jdownloads/jdownloads.php:114 |
9 | plgSystemjdownloads->onAfterInitialise() | Derselbe Aufruf in der Zeile darunter. |
8 | call_user_func_array() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/event/event.php:70 |
7 | JEvent->update() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/event/dispatcher.php:160 |
6 | JEventDispatcher->trigger() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/BaseApplication.php:108 |
5 | Joomla\CMS\Application\BaseApplication->triggerEvent() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:626 |
4 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->initialiseApp() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:686 |
3 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->initialiseApp() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:212 |
2 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->doExecute() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:196 |
1 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute() | JROOT/index.php:49 |
SELECT m.id, m.menutype, m.title, m.alias, m.note, m.path AS route, m.link, m.type, m.level, m.language,`m`.`browserNav`, m.access, m.params, m.home, m.img, m.template_style_id, m.component_id, m.parent_id,e.element as component
FROM TGp2o_menu AS m
LEFT JOIN TGp2o_extensions AS e
ON m.component_id = e.extension_id
WHERE m.published = 1
AND m.parent_id > 0
AND m.client_id = 0
ORDER BY m.lft
id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
1 | SIMPLE | m | range | idx_client_id_parent_id_alias_language,published,parent_id | idx_client_id_parent_id_alias_language | 5 | NULL | 14 | Using index condition; Using where; filesort wurde genutzt |
1 | SIMPLE | e | eq_ref | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 4 | d01df479.m.component_id | 1 | Using where |
Status | Duration |
Starting | 0.04 ms |
checking permissions | 0.00 ms |
Opening tables | 0.01 ms |
After opening tables | 0.00 ms |
System lock | 0.00 ms |
table lock | 0.00 ms |
init | 0.01 ms |
Optimizing | 0.01 ms |
Statistics | 0.03 ms |
Preparing | 0.01 ms |
Sorting result | 0.00 ms |
Executing | 0.00 ms |
Sending data | 0.01 ms |
Creating sort index | 0.08 ms |
End of update loop | 0.00 ms |
Query end | 0.02 ms |
Commit | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Unlocking tables | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.01 ms |
Starting cleanup | 0.00 ms |
Freeing items | 0.00 ms |
Updating status | 0.01 ms |
Reset for next command | 0.00 ms |
# | Aufrufer | Datei und Zeilennummer |
19 | JDatabaseDriverMysqli->execute() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/database/driver.php:1701 |
18 | JDatabaseDriver->loadObjectList() | JROOT/libraries/src/Menu/SiteMenu.php:93 |
17 | Joomla\CMS\Menu\SiteMenu->Joomla\CMS\Menu\{closure}() | Derselbe Aufruf in der Zeile darunter. |
16 | call_user_func_array() | JROOT/libraries/src/Cache/Controller/CallbackController.php:173 |
15 | Joomla\CMS\Cache\Controller\CallbackController->get() | JROOT/libraries/src/Menu/SiteMenu.php:101 |
14 | Joomla\CMS\Menu\SiteMenu->load() | JROOT/libraries/src/Menu/AbstractMenu.php:76 |
13 | Joomla\CMS\Menu\AbstractMenu->__construct() | JROOT/libraries/src/Menu/SiteMenu.php:62 |
12 | Joomla\CMS\Menu\SiteMenu->__construct() | JROOT/libraries/src/Menu/AbstractMenu.php:131 |
11 | Joomla\CMS\Menu\AbstractMenu::getInstance() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:375 |
10 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->getMenu() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:275 |
9 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->getMenu() | JROOT/libraries/src/Router/SiteRouter.php:64 |
8 | Joomla\CMS\Router\SiteRouter->__construct() | JROOT/libraries/src/Router/Router.php:189 |
7 | Joomla\CMS\Router\Router::getInstance() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:491 |
6 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication::getRouter() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:403 |
5 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication::getRouter() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:1073 |
4 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->route() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:796 |
3 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->route() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:218 |
2 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->doExecute() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:196 |
1 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute() | JROOT/index.php:49 |
SELECT `extension_id` AS `id`,`element` AS `option`,`params`,`enabled`
FROM `TGp2o_extensions`
WHERE `type` = 'library'
AND `element` = 'joomla'
id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
1 | SIMPLE | TGp2o_extensions | ref | element_clientid,element_folder_clientid,extension | extension | 484 | const,const | 1 | Using index condition |
Status | Duration |
Starting | 0.03 ms |
checking permissions | 0.00 ms |
Opening tables | 0.01 ms |
After opening tables | 0.00 ms |
System lock | 0.00 ms |
table lock | 0.00 ms |
init | 0.02 ms |
Optimizing | 0.01 ms |
Statistics | 0.08 ms |
Preparing | 0.01 ms |
Executing | 0.00 ms |
Sending data | 0.03 ms |
End of update loop | 0.00 ms |
Query end | 0.00 ms |
Commit | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Unlocking tables | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.01 ms |
Starting cleanup | 0.00 ms |
Freeing items | 0.00 ms |
Updating status | 0.01 ms |
Reset for next command | 0.02 ms |
# | Aufrufer | Datei und Zeilennummer |
20 | JDatabaseDriverMysqli->execute() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/database/driver.php:1662 |
19 | JDatabaseDriver->loadObject() | JROOT/libraries/src/Helper/LibraryHelper.php:167 |
18 | Joomla\CMS\Helper\LibraryHelper::Joomla\CMS\Helper\{closure}() | Derselbe Aufruf in der Zeile darunter. |
17 | call_user_func_array() | JROOT/libraries/src/Cache/Controller/CallbackController.php:173 |
16 | Joomla\CMS\Cache\Controller\CallbackController->get() | JROOT/libraries/src/Helper/LibraryHelper.php:175 |
15 | Joomla\CMS\Helper\LibraryHelper::loadLibrary() | JROOT/libraries/src/Helper/LibraryHelper.php:43 |
14 | Joomla\CMS\Helper\LibraryHelper::getLibrary() | JROOT/libraries/src/Helper/LibraryHelper.php:90 |
13 | Joomla\CMS\Helper\LibraryHelper::getParams() | JROOT/libraries/src/Version.php:321 |
12 | Joomla\CMS\Version->getMediaVersion() | JROOT/libraries/src/Factory.php:778 |
11 | Joomla\CMS\Factory::createDocument() | JROOT/libraries/src/Factory.php:234 |
10 | Joomla\CMS\Factory::getDocument() | JROOT/plugins/system/advancedmodules/advancedmodules.php:45 |
9 | PlgSystemAdvancedModules->onAfterRoute() | Derselbe Aufruf in der Zeile darunter. |
8 | call_user_func_array() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/event/event.php:70 |
7 | JEvent->update() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/event/dispatcher.php:160 |
6 | JEventDispatcher->trigger() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/BaseApplication.php:108 |
5 | Joomla\CMS\Application\BaseApplication->triggerEvent() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:1122 |
4 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->route() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:796 |
3 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->route() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:218 |
2 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->doExecute() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:196 |
1 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute() | JROOT/index.php:49 |
UPDATE `TGp2o_extensions`
SET `params` = '{\"mediaversion\":\"5b2ade23e8241aff981300e7f7b28605\"}'
WHERE `type` = 'library'
AND `element` = 'joomla'
Status | Duration |
Starting | 0.03 ms |
checking permissions | 0.00 ms |
Opening tables | 0.01 ms |
After opening tables | 0.00 ms |
System lock | 0.00 ms |
table lock | 0.00 ms |
init for update | 0.05 ms |
Updating | 0.05 ms |
End of update loop | 0.00 ms |
Waiting for query cache lock | 0.00 ms |
End of update loop | 0.01 ms |
Query end | 0.00 ms |
Commit | 0.03 ms |
Writing to binlog | 0.00 ms |
Commit | 0.02 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Unlocking tables | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.01 ms |
Starting cleanup | 0.00 ms |
Freeing items | 0.00 ms |
Updating status | 0.01 ms |
Reset for next command | 0.00 ms |
# | Aufrufer | Datei und Zeilennummer |
15 | JDatabaseDriverMysqli->execute() | JROOT/libraries/src/Helper/LibraryHelper.php:117 |
14 | Joomla\CMS\Helper\LibraryHelper::saveParams() | JROOT/libraries/src/Version.php:372 |
13 | Joomla\CMS\Version->setMediaVersion() | JROOT/libraries/src/Version.php:331 |
12 | Joomla\CMS\Version->getMediaVersion() | JROOT/libraries/src/Factory.php:778 |
11 | Joomla\CMS\Factory::createDocument() | JROOT/libraries/src/Factory.php:234 |
10 | Joomla\CMS\Factory::getDocument() | JROOT/plugins/system/advancedmodules/advancedmodules.php:45 |
9 | PlgSystemAdvancedModules->onAfterRoute() | Derselbe Aufruf in der Zeile darunter. |
8 | call_user_func_array() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/event/event.php:70 |
7 | JEvent->update() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/event/dispatcher.php:160 |
6 | JEventDispatcher->trigger() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/BaseApplication.php:108 |
5 | Joomla\CMS\Application\BaseApplication->triggerEvent() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:1122 |
4 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->route() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:796 |
3 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->route() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:218 |
2 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->doExecute() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:196 |
1 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute() | JROOT/index.php:49 |
SELECT id, home, template, s.params
FROM TGp2o_template_styles as s
LEFT JOIN TGp2o_extensions as e
ON e.element=s.template
AND e.type='template'
AND e.client_id=s.client_id
WHERE s.client_id = 0
AND e.enabled = 1
id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
1 | SIMPLE | s | ref | idx_template,idx_client_id,idx_client_id_home | idx_client_id | 1 | const | 1 | |
1 | SIMPLE | e | ref | element_clientid,element_folder_clientid,extension | element_clientid | 403 | d01df479.s.template,const | 1 | Using index condition; Using where |
Status | Duration |
Starting | 0.04 ms |
checking permissions | 0.00 ms |
Opening tables | 0.01 ms |
After opening tables | 0.00 ms |
System lock | 0.00 ms |
table lock | 0.00 ms |
init | 0.01 ms |
Optimizing | 0.01 ms |
Statistics | 0.03 ms |
Preparing | 0.02 ms |
Executing | 0.00 ms |
Sending data | 0.03 ms |
End of update loop | 0.00 ms |
Query end | 0.02 ms |
Commit | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Unlocking tables | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.01 ms |
Starting cleanup | 0.00 ms |
Freeing items | 0.00 ms |
Updating status | 0.01 ms |
Reset for next command | 0.00 ms |
# | Aufrufer | Datei und Zeilennummer |
13 | JDatabaseDriverMysqli->execute() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/database/driver.php:1701 |
12 | JDatabaseDriver->loadObjectList() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:486 |
11 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->getTemplate() | JROOT/plugins/system/t3/includes/core/t3.php:320 |
10 | T3::detect() | JROOT/plugins/system/t3/t3.php:81 |
9 | plgSystemT3->onAfterRoute() | Derselbe Aufruf in der Zeile darunter. |
8 | call_user_func_array() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/event/event.php:70 |
7 | JEvent->update() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/event/dispatcher.php:160 |
6 | JEventDispatcher->trigger() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/BaseApplication.php:108 |
5 | Joomla\CMS\Application\BaseApplication->triggerEvent() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:1122 |
4 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->route() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:796 |
3 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->route() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:218 |
2 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->doExecute() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:196 |
1 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute() | JROOT/index.php:49 |
Status | Duration |
Starting | 0.03 ms |
checking permissions | 0.00 ms |
Opening tables | 0.02 ms |
After opening tables | 0.00 ms |
System lock | 0.00 ms |
table lock | 0.00 ms |
init | 0.00 ms |
Optimizing | 0.00 ms |
Statistics | 0.00 ms |
Preparing | 0.01 ms |
Executing | 0.00 ms |
Filling schema table | 0.00 ms |
checking permissions | 0.39 ms |
Executing | 0.00 ms |
Sending data | 0.04 ms |
End of update loop | 0.00 ms |
Query end | 0.00 ms |
Commit | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Removing tmp table | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Unlocking tables | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Starting cleanup | 0.00 ms |
Freeing items | 0.00 ms |
Updating status | 0.01 ms |
Reset for next command | 0.00 ms |
# | Aufrufer | Datei und Zeilennummer |
12 | JDatabaseDriverMysqli->execute() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/database/driver.php:1550 |
11 | JDatabaseDriver->loadColumn() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/database/driver/mysqli.php:502 |
10 | JDatabaseDriverMysqli->getTableList() | JROOT/plugins/system/jdownloads/jdownloads.php:353 |
9 | plgSystemjdownloads->onAfterRoute() | Derselbe Aufruf in der Zeile darunter. |
8 | call_user_func_array() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/event/event.php:70 |
7 | JEvent->update() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/event/dispatcher.php:160 |
6 | JEventDispatcher->trigger() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/BaseApplication.php:108 |
5 | Joomla\CMS\Application\BaseApplication->triggerEvent() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:1122 |
4 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->route() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:796 |
3 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->route() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:218 |
2 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->doExecute() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:196 |
1 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute() | JROOT/index.php:49 |
FROM TGp2o_languages
WHERE published=1
ORDER BY ordering ASC
id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
1 | SIMPLE | TGp2o_languages | ALL | NULL | ES KONNTE KEIN INDEX-SCHLÜSSEL GENUTZT WERDEN | NULL | NULL | 2 | Using where; filesort wurde genutzt |
Status | Duration |
Starting | 0.03 ms |
checking permissions | 0.00 ms |
Opening tables | 0.01 ms |
After opening tables | 0.00 ms |
System lock | 0.00 ms |
table lock | 0.00 ms |
init | 0.01 ms |
Optimizing | 0.01 ms |
Statistics | 0.01 ms |
Preparing | 0.01 ms |
Sorting result | 0.00 ms |
Executing | 0.00 ms |
Sending data | 0.01 ms |
Creating sort index | 0.03 ms |
End of update loop | 0.00 ms |
Query end | 0.02 ms |
Commit | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Unlocking tables | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.01 ms |
Starting cleanup | 0.00 ms |
Freeing items | 0.00 ms |
Updating status | 0.01 ms |
Reset for next command | 0.00 ms |
# | Aufrufer | Datei und Zeilennummer |
7 | JDatabaseDriverMysqli->execute() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/database/driver.php:1701 |
6 | JDatabaseDriver->loadObjectList() | JROOT/libraries/src/Language/LanguageHelper.php:150 |
5 | Joomla\CMS\Language\LanguageHelper::getLanguages() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:330 |
4 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->getParams() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:138 |
3 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->dispatch() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:233 |
2 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->doExecute() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:196 |
1 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute() | JROOT/index.php:49 |
SELECT `id`,`name`,`rules`,`parent_id`
FROM `TGp2o_assets`
WHERE `name` IN ('root.1','com_actionlogs','com_admin','com_advancedmodules','com_ajax','com_associations','com_banners','com_cache','com_categories','com_checkin','com_config','com_contact','com_content','com_contenthistory','com_cpanel','com_fields','com_finder','com_installer','com_j4age','com_jaextmanager','com_jce','com_jdownloads','com_joomlaupdate','com_languages','com_login','com_mailto','com_media','com_menus','com_messages','com_modules','com_newsfeeds','com_plugins','com_postinstall','com_privacy','com_redirect','com_search','com_slideshowck','com_smartsub','com_tags','com_tcpdf','com_templates','com_uddeim','com_users','com_virtuemart','com_virtuemart_allinone','com_visforms','com_wrapper')
id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
1 | SIMPLE | TGp2o_assets | ALL | idx_asset_name | ES KONNTE KEIN INDEX-SCHLÜSSEL GENUTZT WERDEN | NULL | NULL | 169 | Using where |
Status | Duration |
Starting | 0.05 ms |
checking permissions | 0.00 ms |
Opening tables | 0.02 ms |
After opening tables | 0.00 ms |
System lock | 0.00 ms |
table lock | 0.00 ms |
init | 0.04 ms |
Optimizing | 0.01 ms |
Statistics | 0.07 ms |
Preparing | 0.01 ms |
Executing | 0.00 ms |
Sending data | 0.12 ms |
End of update loop | 0.00 ms |
Query end | 0.02 ms |
Commit | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Unlocking tables | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Starting cleanup | 0.00 ms |
Freeing items | 0.00 ms |
Updating status | 0.01 ms |
Reset for next command | 0.02 ms |
# | Aufrufer | Datei und Zeilennummer |
22 | JDatabaseDriverMysqli->execute() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/database/driver.php:1701 |
21 | JDatabaseDriver->loadObjectList() | JROOT/libraries/src/Access/Access.php:429 |
20 | Joomla\CMS\Access\Access::preloadComponents() | JROOT/libraries/src/Access/Access.php:213 |
19 | Joomla\CMS\Access\Access::preload() | JROOT/libraries/src/Access/Access.php:531 |
18 | Joomla\CMS\Access\Access::getAssetRules() | JROOT/libraries/src/Access/Access.php:183 |
17 | Joomla\CMS\Access\Access::check() | JROOT/libraries/src/User/User.php:398 |
16 | Joomla\CMS\User\User->authorise() | JROOT/components/com_content/models/articles.php:115 |
15 | ContentModelArticles->populateState() | JROOT/components/com_content/models/featured.php:44 |
14 | ContentModelFeatured->populateState() | JROOT/libraries/src/MVC/Model/BaseDatabaseModel.php:440 |
13 | Joomla\CMS\MVC\Model\BaseDatabaseModel->getState() | JROOT/libraries/src/MVC/View/HtmlView.php:425 |
12 | Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\HtmlView->get() | JROOT/components/com_content/views/featured/view.html.php:55 |
11 | ContentViewFeatured->display() | JROOT/libraries/src/Cache/Controller/ViewController.php:102 |
10 | Joomla\CMS\Cache\Controller\ViewController->get() | JROOT/libraries/src/MVC/Controller/BaseController.php:663 |
9 | Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->display() | JROOT/components/com_content/controller.php:118 |
8 | ContentController->display() | JROOT/libraries/src/MVC/Controller/BaseController.php:710 |
7 | Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->execute() | JROOT/components/com_content/content.php:43 |
6 | require_once JROOT/components/com_content/content.php | JROOT/libraries/src/Component/ComponentHelper.php:402 |
5 | Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::executeComponent() | JROOT/libraries/src/Component/ComponentHelper.php:377 |
4 | Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::renderComponent() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:194 |
3 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->dispatch() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:233 |
2 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->doExecute() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:196 |
1 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute() | JROOT/index.php:49 |
SELECT a.id, a.title, a.alias, a.introtext, a.fulltext, a.checked_out, a.checked_out_time, a.catid, a.created, a.created_by, a.created_by_alias,
CASE WHEN c.published = 2
AND a.state > 0 THEN 2 WHEN c.published != 1 THEN 0 ELSE a.state END as state,
CASE WHEN a.modified = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' THEN a.created ELSE a.modified END as modified, a.modified_by, uam.name as modified_by_name,
CASE WHEN a.publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' THEN a.created ELSE a.publish_up END as publish_up,a.publish_down, a.images, a.urls, a.attribs, a.metadata, a.metakey, a.metadesc, a.access, a.hits, a.xreference, a.featured, a.language, LENGTH(a.fulltext) AS readmore, a.ordering,fp.ordering,c.title AS category_title, c.path AS category_route, c.access AS category_access, c.alias AS category_alias,c.published, c.published AS parents_published, c.lft,
CASE WHEN a.created_by_alias > ' ' THEN a.created_by_alias ELSE ua.name END AS author,ua.email AS author_email,parent.title as parent_title, parent.id as parent_id, parent.path as parent_route, parent.alias as parent_alias,COALESCE(NULLIF(ROUND(v.rating_sum / v.rating_count, 0), 0), 0) AS rating, COALESCE(NULLIF(v.rating_count, 0), 0) as rating_count
FROM TGp2o_content AS a
INNER JOIN TGp2o_content_frontpage AS fp
ON fp.content_id = a.id
LEFT JOIN TGp2o_categories AS c
ON c.id = a.catid
LEFT JOIN TGp2o_users AS ua
ON ua.id = a.created_by
LEFT JOIN TGp2o_users AS uam
ON uam.id = a.modified_by
LEFT JOIN TGp2o_categories as parent
ON parent.id = c.parent_id
LEFT JOIN TGp2o_content_rating AS v
ON a.id = v.content_id
WHERE a.access IN (1,1,5)
AND c.access IN (1,1,5)
AND c.published = 1
AND a.state = 1
AND (a.publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR a.publish_up <= '2024-12-07 15:12:15')
AND (a.publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR a.publish_down >= '2024-12-07 15:12:15')
ORDER BY c.lft, a.featured DESC, fp.ordering,
CASE WHEN a.publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' THEN a.created ELSE a.publish_up END DESC , a.created DESC
id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
1 | SIMPLE | fp | ALL | PRIMARY | ES KONNTE KEIN INDEX-SCHLÜSSEL GENUTZT WERDEN | NULL | NULL | 1 | Using temporary; filesort wurde genutzt |
1 | SIMPLE | a | eq_ref | PRIMARY,idx_access,idx_state,idx_catid,publish_up | PRIMARY | 4 | d01df479.fp.content_id | 1 | Using where |
1 | SIMPLE | c | eq_ref | PRIMARY,idx_access,published | PRIMARY | 4 | d01df479.a.catid | 1 | Using where |
1 | SIMPLE | ua | eq_ref | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 4 | d01df479.a.created_by | 1 | Using where |
1 | SIMPLE | uam | eq_ref | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 4 | d01df479.a.modified_by | 1 | Using where |
1 | SIMPLE | parent | eq_ref | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 4 | d01df479.c.parent_id | 1 | Using where |
1 | SIMPLE | v | eq_ref | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 4 | d01df479.a.id | 1 | Using where |
Status | Duration |
Starting | 0.12 ms |
checking permissions | 0.00 ms |
Opening tables | 0.04 ms |
After opening tables | 0.00 ms |
System lock | 0.00 ms |
table lock | 0.00 ms |
init | 0.07 ms |
Optimizing | 0.03 ms |
Statistics | 0.07 ms |
Preparing | 0.02 ms |
Creating tmp table | 77.26 ms |
Sorting result | 0.02 ms |
Executing | 0.00 ms |
Sending data | 0.18 ms |
Creating sort index | 0.02 ms |
Removing tmp table | 0.05 ms |
Creating sort index | 0.01 ms |
End of update loop | 0.02 ms |
Query end | 0.00 ms |
Commit | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Unlocking tables | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.02 ms |
Starting cleanup | 0.00 ms |
Freeing items | 0.02 ms |
Updating status | 0.04 ms |
Reset for next command | 0.01 ms |
# | Aufrufer | Datei und Zeilennummer |
18 | JDatabaseDriverMysqli->execute() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/database/driver.php:1701 |
17 | JDatabaseDriver->loadObjectList() | JROOT/libraries/src/MVC/Model/BaseDatabaseModel.php:308 |
16 | Joomla\CMS\MVC\Model\BaseDatabaseModel->_getList() | JROOT/libraries/src/MVC/Model/ListModel.php:187 |
15 | Joomla\CMS\MVC\Model\ListModel->getItems() | JROOT/components/com_content/models/articles.php:576 |
14 | ContentModelArticles->getItems() | JROOT/components/com_content/models/featured.php:125 |
13 | ContentModelFeatured->getItems() | JROOT/libraries/src/MVC/View/HtmlView.php:425 |
12 | Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\HtmlView->get() | JROOT/components/com_content/views/featured/view.html.php:56 |
11 | ContentViewFeatured->display() | JROOT/libraries/src/Cache/Controller/ViewController.php:102 |
10 | Joomla\CMS\Cache\Controller\ViewController->get() | JROOT/libraries/src/MVC/Controller/BaseController.php:663 |
9 | Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->display() | JROOT/components/com_content/controller.php:118 |
8 | ContentController->display() | JROOT/libraries/src/MVC/Controller/BaseController.php:710 |
7 | Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->execute() | JROOT/components/com_content/content.php:43 |
6 | require_once JROOT/components/com_content/content.php | JROOT/libraries/src/Component/ComponentHelper.php:402 |
5 | Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::executeComponent() | JROOT/libraries/src/Component/ComponentHelper.php:377 |
4 | Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::renderComponent() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:194 |
3 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->dispatch() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:233 |
2 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->doExecute() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:196 |
1 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute() | JROOT/index.php:49 |
FROM TGp2o_content AS a
INNER JOIN TGp2o_content_frontpage AS fp
ON fp.content_id = a.id
LEFT JOIN TGp2o_categories AS c
ON c.id = a.catid
LEFT JOIN TGp2o_users AS ua
ON ua.id = a.created_by
LEFT JOIN TGp2o_users AS uam
ON uam.id = a.modified_by
LEFT JOIN TGp2o_categories as parent
ON parent.id = c.parent_id
LEFT JOIN TGp2o_content_rating AS v
ON a.id = v.content_id
WHERE a.access IN (1,1,5)
AND c.access IN (1,1,5)
AND c.published = 1
AND a.state = 1
AND (a.publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR a.publish_up <= '2024-12-07 15:12:15')
AND (a.publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR a.publish_down >= '2024-12-07 15:12:15')
id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
1 | SIMPLE | fp | index | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 4 | NULL | 1 | Using index |
1 | SIMPLE | a | eq_ref | PRIMARY,idx_access,idx_state,idx_catid,publish_up | PRIMARY | 4 | d01df479.fp.content_id | 1 | Using where |
1 | SIMPLE | c | eq_ref | PRIMARY,idx_access,published | PRIMARY | 4 | d01df479.a.catid | 1 | Using where |
Status | Duration |
Starting | 0.09 ms |
checking permissions | 0.00 ms |
Opening tables | 0.04 ms |
After opening tables | 0.00 ms |
System lock | 0.00 ms |
table lock | 0.00 ms |
init | 0.03 ms |
Optimizing | 0.03 ms |
Statistics | 0.08 ms |
Preparing | 0.00 ms |
Unlocking tables | 0.00 ms |
Preparing | 0.02 ms |
Executing | 0.00 ms |
Sending data | 0.02 ms |
End of update loop | 0.02 ms |
Query end | 0.00 ms |
Commit | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Unlocking tables | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.01 ms |
Starting cleanup | 0.00 ms |
Freeing items | 0.01 ms |
Updating status | 0.01 ms |
Reset for next command | 0.02 ms |
# | Aufrufer | Datei und Zeilennummer |
17 | JDatabaseDriverMysqli->execute() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/database/driver.php:1740 |
16 | JDatabaseDriver->loadResult() | JROOT/libraries/src/MVC/Model/BaseDatabaseModel.php:340 |
15 | Joomla\CMS\MVC\Model\BaseDatabaseModel->_getListCount() | JROOT/libraries/src/MVC/Model/ListModel.php:282 |
14 | Joomla\CMS\MVC\Model\ListModel->getTotal() | JROOT/libraries/src/MVC/Model/ListModel.php:232 |
13 | Joomla\CMS\MVC\Model\ListModel->getPagination() | JROOT/libraries/src/MVC/View/HtmlView.php:425 |
12 | Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\HtmlView->get() | JROOT/components/com_content/views/featured/view.html.php:57 |
11 | ContentViewFeatured->display() | JROOT/libraries/src/Cache/Controller/ViewController.php:102 |
10 | Joomla\CMS\Cache\Controller\ViewController->get() | JROOT/libraries/src/MVC/Controller/BaseController.php:663 |
9 | Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->display() | JROOT/components/com_content/controller.php:118 |
8 | ContentController->display() | JROOT/libraries/src/MVC/Controller/BaseController.php:710 |
7 | Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->execute() | JROOT/components/com_content/content.php:43 |
6 | require_once JROOT/components/com_content/content.php | JROOT/libraries/src/Component/ComponentHelper.php:402 |
5 | Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::executeComponent() | JROOT/libraries/src/Component/ComponentHelper.php:377 |
4 | Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::renderComponent() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:194 |
3 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->dispatch() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:233 |
2 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->doExecute() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:196 |
1 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute() | JROOT/index.php:49 |
SELECT id, link
from TGp2o_menu
WHERE link LIKE 'index.php?option=com_jdownloads&view=category%'
AND published = 1
id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
1 | SIMPLE | TGp2o_menu | ALL | published | ES KONNTE KEIN INDEX-SCHLÜSSEL GENUTZT WERDEN | NULL | NULL | 80 | Using where |
Status | Duration |
Starting | 0.06 ms |
checking permissions | 0.00 ms |
Opening tables | 0.03 ms |
After opening tables | 0.00 ms |
System lock | 0.00 ms |
table lock | 0.00 ms |
init | 0.03 ms |
Optimizing | 0.01 ms |
Statistics | 0.02 ms |
Preparing | 0.01 ms |
Executing | 0.00 ms |
Sending data | 0.06 ms |
End of update loop | 0.00 ms |
Query end | 0.02 ms |
Commit | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Unlocking tables | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Starting cleanup | 0.00 ms |
Freeing items | 0.00 ms |
Updating status | 0.01 ms |
Reset for next command | 0.00 ms |
# | Aufrufer | Datei und Zeilennummer |
16 | JDatabaseDriverMysqli->execute() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/database/driver.php:1506 |
15 | JDatabaseDriver->loadAssocList() | JROOT/plugins/content/jdownloads/jdownloads.php:46 |
14 | require_once JROOT/plugins/content/jdownloads/jdownloads.php | JROOT/libraries/src/Plugin/PluginHelper.php:253 |
13 | Joomla\CMS\Plugin\PluginHelper::import() | JROOT/libraries/src/Plugin/PluginHelper.php:182 |
12 | Joomla\CMS\Plugin\PluginHelper::importPlugin() | JROOT/components/com_content/views/featured/view.html.php:78 |
11 | ContentViewFeatured->display() | JROOT/libraries/src/Cache/Controller/ViewController.php:102 |
10 | Joomla\CMS\Cache\Controller\ViewController->get() | JROOT/libraries/src/MVC/Controller/BaseController.php:663 |
9 | Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->display() | JROOT/components/com_content/controller.php:118 |
8 | ContentController->display() | JROOT/libraries/src/MVC/Controller/BaseController.php:710 |
7 | Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->execute() | JROOT/components/com_content/content.php:43 |
6 | require_once JROOT/components/com_content/content.php | JROOT/libraries/src/Component/ComponentHelper.php:402 |
5 | Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::executeComponent() | JROOT/libraries/src/Component/ComponentHelper.php:377 |
4 | Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::renderComponent() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:194 |
3 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->dispatch() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:233 |
2 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->doExecute() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:196 |
1 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute() | JROOT/index.php:49 |
SELECT id, link, published, access, language
FROM TGp2o_menu
WHERE (link LIKE 'index.php?option=com_jdownloads%')
AND published = 1
AND client_id = 0
AND language = 'de-de'
AND access IN (1,1,5)
id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
1 | SIMPLE | TGp2o_menu | ref | idx_client_id_parent_id_alias_language,idx_language,published,access | idx_language | 28 | const | 1 | Using index condition; Using where |
Status | Duration |
Starting | 0.04 ms |
checking permissions | 0.00 ms |
Opening tables | 0.01 ms |
After opening tables | 0.00 ms |
System lock | 0.00 ms |
table lock | 0.00 ms |
init | 0.01 ms |
Optimizing | 0.01 ms |
Statistics | 0.04 ms |
Preparing | 0.01 ms |
Executing | 0.00 ms |
Sending data | 0.01 ms |
End of update loop | 0.00 ms |
Query end | 0.02 ms |
Commit | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Unlocking tables | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Starting cleanup | 0.00 ms |
Freeing items | 0.00 ms |
Updating status | 0.01 ms |
Reset for next command | 0.01 ms |
# | Aufrufer | Datei und Zeilennummer |
17 | JDatabaseDriverMysqli->execute() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/database/driver.php:1701 |
16 | JDatabaseDriver->loadObjectList() | JROOT/components/com_jdownloads/helpers/jdownloadshelper.php:242 |
15 | JDHelper::getMenuItemids() | JROOT/plugins/content/jdownloads/jdownloads.php:55 |
14 | require_once JROOT/plugins/content/jdownloads/jdownloads.php | JROOT/libraries/src/Plugin/PluginHelper.php:253 |
13 | Joomla\CMS\Plugin\PluginHelper::import() | JROOT/libraries/src/Plugin/PluginHelper.php:182 |
12 | Joomla\CMS\Plugin\PluginHelper::importPlugin() | JROOT/components/com_content/views/featured/view.html.php:78 |
11 | ContentViewFeatured->display() | JROOT/libraries/src/Cache/Controller/ViewController.php:102 |
10 | Joomla\CMS\Cache\Controller\ViewController->get() | JROOT/libraries/src/MVC/Controller/BaseController.php:663 |
9 | Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->display() | JROOT/components/com_content/controller.php:118 |
8 | ContentController->display() | JROOT/libraries/src/MVC/Controller/BaseController.php:710 |
7 | Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->execute() | JROOT/components/com_content/content.php:43 |
6 | require_once JROOT/components/com_content/content.php | JROOT/libraries/src/Component/ComponentHelper.php:402 |
5 | Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::executeComponent() | JROOT/libraries/src/Component/ComponentHelper.php:377 |
4 | Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::renderComponent() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:194 |
3 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->dispatch() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:233 |
2 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->doExecute() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:196 |
1 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute() | JROOT/index.php:49 |
SELECT id, link, published, access, language
FROM TGp2o_menu
WHERE (link LIKE 'index.php?option=com_jdownloads%')
AND published = 1
AND client_id = 0
AND access IN (1,1,5)
id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
1 | SIMPLE | TGp2o_menu | ref | idx_client_id_parent_id_alias_language,published,access | idx_client_id_parent_id_alias_language | 1 | const | 15 | Using where |
Status | Duration |
Starting | 0.03 ms |
checking permissions | 0.00 ms |
Opening tables | 0.01 ms |
After opening tables | 0.00 ms |
System lock | 0.00 ms |
table lock | 0.00 ms |
init | 0.01 ms |
Optimizing | 0.01 ms |
Statistics | 0.02 ms |
Preparing | 0.01 ms |
Executing | 0.00 ms |
Sending data | 0.03 ms |
End of update loop | 0.00 ms |
Query end | 0.02 ms |
Commit | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Unlocking tables | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Starting cleanup | 0.00 ms |
Freeing items | 0.00 ms |
Updating status | 0.01 ms |
Reset for next command | 0.00 ms |
# | Aufrufer | Datei und Zeilennummer |
17 | JDatabaseDriverMysqli->execute() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/database/driver.php:1701 |
16 | JDatabaseDriver->loadObjectList() | JROOT/components/com_jdownloads/helpers/jdownloadshelper.php:247 |
15 | JDHelper::getMenuItemids() | JROOT/plugins/content/jdownloads/jdownloads.php:55 |
14 | require_once JROOT/plugins/content/jdownloads/jdownloads.php | JROOT/libraries/src/Plugin/PluginHelper.php:253 |
13 | Joomla\CMS\Plugin\PluginHelper::import() | JROOT/libraries/src/Plugin/PluginHelper.php:182 |
12 | Joomla\CMS\Plugin\PluginHelper::importPlugin() | JROOT/components/com_content/views/featured/view.html.php:78 |
11 | ContentViewFeatured->display() | JROOT/libraries/src/Cache/Controller/ViewController.php:102 |
10 | Joomla\CMS\Cache\Controller\ViewController->get() | JROOT/libraries/src/MVC/Controller/BaseController.php:663 |
9 | Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->display() | JROOT/components/com_content/controller.php:118 |
8 | ContentController->display() | JROOT/libraries/src/MVC/Controller/BaseController.php:710 |
7 | Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->execute() | JROOT/components/com_content/content.php:43 |
6 | require_once JROOT/components/com_content/content.php | JROOT/libraries/src/Component/ComponentHelper.php:402 |
5 | Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::executeComponent() | JROOT/libraries/src/Component/ComponentHelper.php:377 |
4 | Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::renderComponent() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:194 |
3 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->dispatch() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:233 |
2 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->doExecute() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:196 |
1 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute() | JROOT/index.php:49 |
FROM TGp2o_menu
WHERE (link LIKE 'index.php?option=com_jdownloads&Itemid=' OR link LIKE 'index.php?option=com_jdownloads&view=categories' )
AND published = 1
AND client_id = 0
AND language = 'de-de'
AND access IN (1,1,5)
id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
1 | SIMPLE | TGp2o_menu | ref | idx_client_id_parent_id_alias_language,idx_language,published,access | idx_language | 28 | const | 1 | Using index condition; Using where |
Status | Duration |
Starting | 0.03 ms |
checking permissions | 0.00 ms |
Opening tables | 0.01 ms |
After opening tables | 0.00 ms |
System lock | 0.00 ms |
table lock | 0.00 ms |
init | 0.01 ms |
Optimizing | 0.01 ms |
Statistics | 0.03 ms |
Preparing | 0.01 ms |
Executing | 0.00 ms |
Sending data | 0.01 ms |
End of update loop | 0.00 ms |
Query end | 0.02 ms |
Commit | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Unlocking tables | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Starting cleanup | 0.00 ms |
Freeing items | 0.00 ms |
Updating status | 0.01 ms |
Reset for next command | 0.00 ms |
# | Aufrufer | Datei und Zeilennummer |
17 | JDatabaseDriverMysqli->execute() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/database/driver.php:1740 |
16 | JDatabaseDriver->loadResult() | JROOT/components/com_jdownloads/helpers/jdownloadshelper.php:294 |
15 | JDHelper::getMenuItemids() | JROOT/plugins/content/jdownloads/jdownloads.php:55 |
14 | require_once JROOT/plugins/content/jdownloads/jdownloads.php | JROOT/libraries/src/Plugin/PluginHelper.php:253 |
13 | Joomla\CMS\Plugin\PluginHelper::import() | JROOT/libraries/src/Plugin/PluginHelper.php:182 |
12 | Joomla\CMS\Plugin\PluginHelper::importPlugin() | JROOT/components/com_content/views/featured/view.html.php:78 |
11 | ContentViewFeatured->display() | JROOT/libraries/src/Cache/Controller/ViewController.php:102 |
10 | Joomla\CMS\Cache\Controller\ViewController->get() | JROOT/libraries/src/MVC/Controller/BaseController.php:663 |
9 | Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->display() | JROOT/components/com_content/controller.php:118 |
8 | ContentController->display() | JROOT/libraries/src/MVC/Controller/BaseController.php:710 |
7 | Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->execute() | JROOT/components/com_content/content.php:43 |
6 | require_once JROOT/components/com_content/content.php | JROOT/libraries/src/Component/ComponentHelper.php:402 |
5 | Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::executeComponent() | JROOT/libraries/src/Component/ComponentHelper.php:377 |
4 | Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::renderComponent() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:194 |
3 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->dispatch() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:233 |
2 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->doExecute() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:196 |
1 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute() | JROOT/index.php:49 |
FROM TGp2o_menu
WHERE (link LIKE 'index.php?option=com_jdownloads&Itemid=' OR link LIKE 'index.php?option=com_jdownloads&view=categories' )
AND published = 1
AND client_id = 0
AND access IN (1,1,5)
id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
1 | SIMPLE | TGp2o_menu | ref | idx_client_id_parent_id_alias_language,published,access | idx_client_id_parent_id_alias_language | 1 | const | 15 | Using where |
Status | Duration |
Starting | 0.03 ms |
checking permissions | 0.00 ms |
Opening tables | 0.01 ms |
After opening tables | 0.00 ms |
System lock | 0.00 ms |
table lock | 0.00 ms |
init | 0.01 ms |
Optimizing | 0.01 ms |
Statistics | 0.02 ms |
Preparing | 0.01 ms |
Executing | 0.00 ms |
Sending data | 0.03 ms |
End of update loop | 0.00 ms |
Query end | 0.02 ms |
Commit | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Unlocking tables | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Starting cleanup | 0.00 ms |
Freeing items | 0.00 ms |
Updating status | 0.00 ms |
Reset for next command | 0.00 ms |
# | Aufrufer | Datei und Zeilennummer |
17 | JDatabaseDriverMysqli->execute() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/database/driver.php:1740 |
16 | JDatabaseDriver->loadResult() | JROOT/components/com_jdownloads/helpers/jdownloadshelper.php:298 |
15 | JDHelper::getMenuItemids() | JROOT/plugins/content/jdownloads/jdownloads.php:55 |
14 | require_once JROOT/plugins/content/jdownloads/jdownloads.php | JROOT/libraries/src/Plugin/PluginHelper.php:253 |
13 | Joomla\CMS\Plugin\PluginHelper::import() | JROOT/libraries/src/Plugin/PluginHelper.php:182 |
12 | Joomla\CMS\Plugin\PluginHelper::importPlugin() | JROOT/components/com_content/views/featured/view.html.php:78 |
11 | ContentViewFeatured->display() | JROOT/libraries/src/Cache/Controller/ViewController.php:102 |
10 | Joomla\CMS\Cache\Controller\ViewController->get() | JROOT/libraries/src/MVC/Controller/BaseController.php:663 |
9 | Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->display() | JROOT/components/com_content/controller.php:118 |
8 | ContentController->display() | JROOT/libraries/src/MVC/Controller/BaseController.php:710 |
7 | Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->execute() | JROOT/components/com_content/content.php:43 |
6 | require_once JROOT/components/com_content/content.php | JROOT/libraries/src/Component/ComponentHelper.php:402 |
5 | Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::executeComponent() | JROOT/libraries/src/Component/ComponentHelper.php:377 |
4 | Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::renderComponent() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:194 |
3 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->dispatch() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:233 |
2 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->doExecute() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:196 |
1 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute() | JROOT/index.php:49 |
FROM TGp2o_menu
WHERE (link LIKE 'index.php?option=com_jdownloads&Itemid=' OR link LIKE 'index.php?option=com_jdownloads&view=categories' )
AND published = 1
AND client_id = 0
AND language = 'de-de'
AND access IN (1,1,5)
id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
1 | SIMPLE | TGp2o_menu | ref | idx_client_id_parent_id_alias_language,idx_language,published,access | idx_language | 28 | const | 1 | Using index condition; Using where |
Status | Duration |
Starting | 0.03 ms |
checking permissions | 0.00 ms |
Opening tables | 0.01 ms |
After opening tables | 0.00 ms |
System lock | 0.00 ms |
table lock | 0.00 ms |
init | 0.01 ms |
Optimizing | 0.01 ms |
Statistics | 0.03 ms |
Preparing | 0.01 ms |
Executing | 0.00 ms |
Sending data | 0.01 ms |
End of update loop | 0.00 ms |
Query end | 0.02 ms |
Commit | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Unlocking tables | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Starting cleanup | 0.00 ms |
Freeing items | 0.00 ms |
Updating status | 0.00 ms |
Reset for next command | 0.00 ms |
# | Aufrufer | Datei und Zeilennummer |
17 | JDatabaseDriverMysqli->execute() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/database/driver.php:1740 |
16 | JDatabaseDriver->loadResult() | JROOT/components/com_jdownloads/helpers/jdownloadshelper.php:352 |
15 | JDHelper::getMenuItemids() | JROOT/plugins/content/jdownloads/jdownloads.php:55 |
14 | require_once JROOT/plugins/content/jdownloads/jdownloads.php | JROOT/libraries/src/Plugin/PluginHelper.php:253 |
13 | Joomla\CMS\Plugin\PluginHelper::import() | JROOT/libraries/src/Plugin/PluginHelper.php:182 |
12 | Joomla\CMS\Plugin\PluginHelper::importPlugin() | JROOT/components/com_content/views/featured/view.html.php:78 |
11 | ContentViewFeatured->display() | JROOT/libraries/src/Cache/Controller/ViewController.php:102 |
10 | Joomla\CMS\Cache\Controller\ViewController->get() | JROOT/libraries/src/MVC/Controller/BaseController.php:663 |
9 | Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->display() | JROOT/components/com_content/controller.php:118 |
8 | ContentController->display() | JROOT/libraries/src/MVC/Controller/BaseController.php:710 |
7 | Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->execute() | JROOT/components/com_content/content.php:43 |
6 | require_once JROOT/components/com_content/content.php | JROOT/libraries/src/Component/ComponentHelper.php:402 |
5 | Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::executeComponent() | JROOT/libraries/src/Component/ComponentHelper.php:377 |
4 | Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::renderComponent() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:194 |
3 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->dispatch() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:233 |
2 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->doExecute() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:196 |
1 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute() | JROOT/index.php:49 |
FROM TGp2o_menu
WHERE (link LIKE 'index.php?option=com_jdownloads&Itemid=' OR link LIKE 'index.php?option=com_jdownloads&view=categories' )
AND published = 1
AND client_id = 0
AND access IN (1,1,5)
id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
1 | SIMPLE | TGp2o_menu | ref | idx_client_id_parent_id_alias_language,published,access | idx_client_id_parent_id_alias_language | 1 | const | 15 | Using where |
Status | Duration |
Starting | 0.03 ms |
checking permissions | 0.00 ms |
Opening tables | 0.01 ms |
After opening tables | 0.00 ms |
System lock | 0.00 ms |
table lock | 0.00 ms |
init | 0.01 ms |
Optimizing | 0.01 ms |
Statistics | 0.02 ms |
Preparing | 0.01 ms |
Executing | 0.00 ms |
Sending data | 0.03 ms |
End of update loop | 0.00 ms |
Query end | 0.00 ms |
Commit | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Unlocking tables | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.02 ms |
Starting cleanup | 0.00 ms |
Freeing items | 0.00 ms |
Updating status | 0.01 ms |
Reset for next command | 0.00 ms |
# | Aufrufer | Datei und Zeilennummer |
17 | JDatabaseDriverMysqli->execute() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/database/driver.php:1740 |
16 | JDatabaseDriver->loadResult() | JROOT/components/com_jdownloads/helpers/jdownloadshelper.php:356 |
15 | JDHelper::getMenuItemids() | JROOT/plugins/content/jdownloads/jdownloads.php:55 |
14 | require_once JROOT/plugins/content/jdownloads/jdownloads.php | JROOT/libraries/src/Plugin/PluginHelper.php:253 |
13 | Joomla\CMS\Plugin\PluginHelper::import() | JROOT/libraries/src/Plugin/PluginHelper.php:182 |
12 | Joomla\CMS\Plugin\PluginHelper::importPlugin() | JROOT/components/com_content/views/featured/view.html.php:78 |
11 | ContentViewFeatured->display() | JROOT/libraries/src/Cache/Controller/ViewController.php:102 |
10 | Joomla\CMS\Cache\Controller\ViewController->get() | JROOT/libraries/src/MVC/Controller/BaseController.php:663 |
9 | Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->display() | JROOT/components/com_content/controller.php:118 |
8 | ContentController->display() | JROOT/libraries/src/MVC/Controller/BaseController.php:710 |
7 | Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->execute() | JROOT/components/com_content/content.php:43 |
6 | require_once JROOT/components/com_content/content.php | JROOT/libraries/src/Component/ComponentHelper.php:402 |
5 | Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::executeComponent() | JROOT/libraries/src/Component/ComponentHelper.php:377 |
4 | Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::renderComponent() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:194 |
3 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->dispatch() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:233 |
2 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->doExecute() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:196 |
1 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute() | JROOT/index.php:49 |
FROM TGp2o_menu
WHERE link = 'index.php?option=com_jdownloads&view=search'
AND published = 1
AND client_id = 0
AND language = 'de-de'
AND access IN (1,1,5)
id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
1 | SIMPLE | TGp2o_menu | ref | idx_client_id_parent_id_alias_language,idx_language,published,access | idx_language | 28 | const | 1 | Using index condition; Using where |
Status | Duration |
Starting | 0.03 ms |
checking permissions | 0.00 ms |
Opening tables | 0.00 ms |
After opening tables | 0.00 ms |
System lock | 0.00 ms |
table lock | 0.00 ms |
init | 0.01 ms |
Optimizing | 0.01 ms |
Statistics | 0.03 ms |
Preparing | 0.01 ms |
Executing | 0.00 ms |
Sending data | 0.01 ms |
End of update loop | 0.00 ms |
Query end | 0.00 ms |
Commit | 0.02 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Unlocking tables | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Starting cleanup | 0.00 ms |
Freeing items | 0.00 ms |
Updating status | 0.00 ms |
Reset for next command | 0.00 ms |
# | Aufrufer | Datei und Zeilennummer |
17 | JDatabaseDriverMysqli->execute() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/database/driver.php:1740 |
16 | JDatabaseDriver->loadResult() | JROOT/components/com_jdownloads/helpers/jdownloadshelper.php:370 |
15 | JDHelper::getMenuItemids() | JROOT/plugins/content/jdownloads/jdownloads.php:55 |
14 | require_once JROOT/plugins/content/jdownloads/jdownloads.php | JROOT/libraries/src/Plugin/PluginHelper.php:253 |
13 | Joomla\CMS\Plugin\PluginHelper::import() | JROOT/libraries/src/Plugin/PluginHelper.php:182 |
12 | Joomla\CMS\Plugin\PluginHelper::importPlugin() | JROOT/components/com_content/views/featured/view.html.php:78 |
11 | ContentViewFeatured->display() | JROOT/libraries/src/Cache/Controller/ViewController.php:102 |
10 | Joomla\CMS\Cache\Controller\ViewController->get() | JROOT/libraries/src/MVC/Controller/BaseController.php:663 |
9 | Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->display() | JROOT/components/com_content/controller.php:118 |
8 | ContentController->display() | JROOT/libraries/src/MVC/Controller/BaseController.php:710 |
7 | Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->execute() | JROOT/components/com_content/content.php:43 |
6 | require_once JROOT/components/com_content/content.php | JROOT/libraries/src/Component/ComponentHelper.php:402 |
5 | Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::executeComponent() | JROOT/libraries/src/Component/ComponentHelper.php:377 |
4 | Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::renderComponent() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:194 |
3 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->dispatch() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:233 |
2 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->doExecute() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:196 |
1 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute() | JROOT/index.php:49 |
FROM TGp2o_menu
WHERE link = 'index.php?option=com_jdownloads&view=search'
AND published = 1
AND client_id = 0
AND access IN (1,1,5)
id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
1 | SIMPLE | TGp2o_menu | ref | idx_client_id_parent_id_alias_language,published,access | idx_client_id_parent_id_alias_language | 1 | const | 15 | Using where |
Status | Duration |
Starting | 0.03 ms |
checking permissions | 0.00 ms |
Opening tables | 0.00 ms |
After opening tables | 0.00 ms |
System lock | 0.00 ms |
table lock | 0.00 ms |
init | 0.01 ms |
Optimizing | 0.01 ms |
Statistics | 0.02 ms |
Preparing | 0.01 ms |
Executing | 0.00 ms |
Sending data | 0.03 ms |
End of update loop | 0.00 ms |
Query end | 0.00 ms |
Commit | 0.01 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Unlocking tables | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Starting cleanup | 0.00 ms |
Freeing items | 0.00 ms |
Updating status | 0.00 ms |
Reset for next command | 0.00 ms |
# | Aufrufer | Datei und Zeilennummer |
17 | JDatabaseDriverMysqli->execute() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/database/driver.php:1740 |
16 | JDatabaseDriver->loadResult() | JROOT/components/com_jdownloads/helpers/jdownloadshelper.php:374 |
15 | JDHelper::getMenuItemids() | JROOT/plugins/content/jdownloads/jdownloads.php:55 |
14 | require_once JROOT/plugins/content/jdownloads/jdownloads.php | JROOT/libraries/src/Plugin/PluginHelper.php:253 |
13 | Joomla\CMS\Plugin\PluginHelper::import() | JROOT/libraries/src/Plugin/PluginHelper.php:182 |
12 | Joomla\CMS\Plugin\PluginHelper::importPlugin() | JROOT/components/com_content/views/featured/view.html.php:78 |
11 | ContentViewFeatured->display() | JROOT/libraries/src/Cache/Controller/ViewController.php:102 |
10 | Joomla\CMS\Cache\Controller\ViewController->get() | JROOT/libraries/src/MVC/Controller/BaseController.php:663 |
9 | Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->display() | JROOT/components/com_content/controller.php:118 |
8 | ContentController->display() | JROOT/libraries/src/MVC/Controller/BaseController.php:710 |
7 | Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->execute() | JROOT/components/com_content/content.php:43 |
6 | require_once JROOT/components/com_content/content.php | JROOT/libraries/src/Component/ComponentHelper.php:402 |
5 | Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::executeComponent() | JROOT/libraries/src/Component/ComponentHelper.php:377 |
4 | Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::renderComponent() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:194 |
3 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->dispatch() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:233 |
2 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->doExecute() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:196 |
1 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute() | JROOT/index.php:49 |
FROM TGp2o_menu
WHERE link = 'index.php?option=com_jdownloads&view=form&layout=edit'
AND published = 1
AND client_id = 0
AND language = 'de-de'
AND access IN (1,1,5)
id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
1 | SIMPLE | TGp2o_menu | ref | idx_client_id_parent_id_alias_language,idx_language,published,access | idx_language | 28 | const | 1 | Using index condition; Using where |
Status | Duration |
Starting | 0.03 ms |
checking permissions | 0.00 ms |
Opening tables | 0.00 ms |
After opening tables | 0.00 ms |
System lock | 0.00 ms |
table lock | 0.00 ms |
init | 0.01 ms |
Optimizing | 0.01 ms |
Statistics | 0.03 ms |
Preparing | 0.01 ms |
Executing | 0.00 ms |
Sending data | 0.01 ms |
End of update loop | 0.00 ms |
Query end | 0.00 ms |
Commit | 0.02 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Unlocking tables | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.02 ms |
Starting cleanup | 0.00 ms |
Freeing items | 0.00 ms |
Updating status | 0.00 ms |
Reset for next command | 0.00 ms |
# | Aufrufer | Datei und Zeilennummer |
17 | JDatabaseDriverMysqli->execute() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/database/driver.php:1740 |
16 | JDatabaseDriver->loadResult() | JROOT/components/com_jdownloads/helpers/jdownloadshelper.php:380 |
15 | JDHelper::getMenuItemids() | JROOT/plugins/content/jdownloads/jdownloads.php:55 |
14 | require_once JROOT/plugins/content/jdownloads/jdownloads.php | JROOT/libraries/src/Plugin/PluginHelper.php:253 |
13 | Joomla\CMS\Plugin\PluginHelper::import() | JROOT/libraries/src/Plugin/PluginHelper.php:182 |
12 | Joomla\CMS\Plugin\PluginHelper::importPlugin() | JROOT/components/com_content/views/featured/view.html.php:78 |
11 | ContentViewFeatured->display() | JROOT/libraries/src/Cache/Controller/ViewController.php:102 |
10 | Joomla\CMS\Cache\Controller\ViewController->get() | JROOT/libraries/src/MVC/Controller/BaseController.php:663 |
9 | Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->display() | JROOT/components/com_content/controller.php:118 |
8 | ContentController->display() | JROOT/libraries/src/MVC/Controller/BaseController.php:710 |
7 | Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->execute() | JROOT/components/com_content/content.php:43 |
6 | require_once JROOT/components/com_content/content.php | JROOT/libraries/src/Component/ComponentHelper.php:402 |
5 | Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::executeComponent() | JROOT/libraries/src/Component/ComponentHelper.php:377 |
4 | Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::renderComponent() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:194 |
3 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->dispatch() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:233 |
2 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->doExecute() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:196 |
1 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute() | JROOT/index.php:49 |
FROM TGp2o_menu
WHERE link = 'index.php?option=com_jdownloads&view=form&layout=edit'
AND published = 1
AND client_id = 0
AND access IN (1,1,5)
id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
1 | SIMPLE | TGp2o_menu | ref | idx_client_id_parent_id_alias_language,published,access | idx_client_id_parent_id_alias_language | 1 | const | 15 | Using where |
Status | Duration |
Starting | 0.02 ms |
checking permissions | 0.00 ms |
Opening tables | 0.00 ms |
After opening tables | 0.00 ms |
System lock | 0.00 ms |
table lock | 0.00 ms |
init | 0.01 ms |
Optimizing | 0.01 ms |
Statistics | 0.02 ms |
Preparing | 0.01 ms |
Executing | 0.00 ms |
Sending data | 0.02 ms |
End of update loop | 0.00 ms |
Query end | 0.00 ms |
Commit | 0.02 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Unlocking tables | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Starting cleanup | 0.00 ms |
Freeing items | 0.00 ms |
Updating status | 0.00 ms |
Reset for next command | 0.00 ms |
# | Aufrufer | Datei und Zeilennummer |
17 | JDatabaseDriverMysqli->execute() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/database/driver.php:1740 |
16 | JDatabaseDriver->loadResult() | JROOT/components/com_jdownloads/helpers/jdownloadshelper.php:384 |
15 | JDHelper::getMenuItemids() | JROOT/plugins/content/jdownloads/jdownloads.php:55 |
14 | require_once JROOT/plugins/content/jdownloads/jdownloads.php | JROOT/libraries/src/Plugin/PluginHelper.php:253 |
13 | Joomla\CMS\Plugin\PluginHelper::import() | JROOT/libraries/src/Plugin/PluginHelper.php:182 |
12 | Joomla\CMS\Plugin\PluginHelper::importPlugin() | JROOT/components/com_content/views/featured/view.html.php:78 |
11 | ContentViewFeatured->display() | JROOT/libraries/src/Cache/Controller/ViewController.php:102 |
10 | Joomla\CMS\Cache\Controller\ViewController->get() | JROOT/libraries/src/MVC/Controller/BaseController.php:663 |
9 | Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->display() | JROOT/components/com_content/controller.php:118 |
8 | ContentController->display() | JROOT/libraries/src/MVC/Controller/BaseController.php:710 |
7 | Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->execute() | JROOT/components/com_content/content.php:43 |
6 | require_once JROOT/components/com_content/content.php | JROOT/libraries/src/Component/ComponentHelper.php:402 |
5 | Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::executeComponent() | JROOT/libraries/src/Component/ComponentHelper.php:377 |
4 | Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::renderComponent() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:194 |
3 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->dispatch() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:233 |
2 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->doExecute() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:196 |
1 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute() | JROOT/index.php:49 |
SELECT id, link
from TGp2o_menu
WHERE link LIKE 'index.php?option=com_jdownloads&view=category&catid%'
AND published = 1
AND access IN (1,1,5)
id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
1 | SIMPLE | TGp2o_menu | ALL | published,access | ES KONNTE KEIN INDEX-SCHLÜSSEL GENUTZT WERDEN | NULL | NULL | 80 | Using where |
Status | Duration |
Starting | 0.03 ms |
checking permissions | 0.00 ms |
Opening tables | 0.00 ms |
After opening tables | 0.00 ms |
System lock | 0.00 ms |
table lock | 0.00 ms |
init | 0.01 ms |
Optimizing | 0.01 ms |
Statistics | 0.02 ms |
Preparing | 0.01 ms |
Executing | 0.00 ms |
Sending data | 0.05 ms |
End of update loop | 0.00 ms |
Query end | 0.00 ms |
Commit | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Unlocking tables | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Starting cleanup | 0.00 ms |
Freeing items | 0.00 ms |
Updating status | 0.00 ms |
Reset for next command | 0.00 ms |
# | Aufrufer | Datei und Zeilennummer |
17 | JDatabaseDriverMysqli->execute() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/database/driver.php:1506 |
16 | JDatabaseDriver->loadAssocList() | JROOT/components/com_jdownloads/helpers/jdownloadshelper.php:416 |
15 | JDHelper::getAllJDCategoryMenuIDs() | JROOT/plugins/content/jdownloads/jdownloads.php:59 |
14 | require_once JROOT/plugins/content/jdownloads/jdownloads.php | JROOT/libraries/src/Plugin/PluginHelper.php:253 |
13 | Joomla\CMS\Plugin\PluginHelper::import() | JROOT/libraries/src/Plugin/PluginHelper.php:182 |
12 | Joomla\CMS\Plugin\PluginHelper::importPlugin() | JROOT/components/com_content/views/featured/view.html.php:78 |
11 | ContentViewFeatured->display() | JROOT/libraries/src/Cache/Controller/ViewController.php:102 |
10 | Joomla\CMS\Cache\Controller\ViewController->get() | JROOT/libraries/src/MVC/Controller/BaseController.php:663 |
9 | Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->display() | JROOT/components/com_content/controller.php:118 |
8 | ContentController->display() | JROOT/libraries/src/MVC/Controller/BaseController.php:710 |
7 | Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->execute() | JROOT/components/com_content/content.php:43 |
6 | require_once JROOT/components/com_content/content.php | JROOT/libraries/src/Component/ComponentHelper.php:402 |
5 | Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::executeComponent() | JROOT/libraries/src/Component/ComponentHelper.php:377 |
4 | Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::renderComponent() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:194 |
3 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->dispatch() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:233 |
2 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->doExecute() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:196 |
1 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute() | JROOT/index.php:49 |
SELECT setting_name, setting_value
FROM TGp2o_jdownloads_config
id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
Status | Duration |
Starting | 0.01 ms |
checking permissions | 0.00 ms |
Opening tables | 0.01 ms |
After opening tables | 0.00 ms |
System lock | 0.00 ms |
table lock | 0.00 ms |
init | 0.00 ms |
Optimizing | 0.00 ms |
Statistics | 11.31 ms |
Preparing | 0.01 ms |
Executing | 0.00 ms |
Sending data | 0.16 ms |
End of update loop | 0.00 ms |
Query end | 0.00 ms |
Commit | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Unlocking tables | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Starting cleanup | 0.00 ms |
Freeing items | 0.00 ms |
Updating status | 0.00 ms |
Reset for next command | 0.00 ms |
# | Aufrufer | Datei und Zeilennummer |
18 | JDatabaseDriverMysqli->execute() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/database/driver.php:1701 |
17 | JDatabaseDriver->loadObjectList() | JROOT/components/com_jdownloads/helpers/jdownloadshelper.php:39 |
16 | JDHelper::buildjlistConfig() | JROOT/components/com_jdownloads/helpers/jdownloadshelper.php:3755 |
15 | JDHelper::getDateFormat() | JROOT/plugins/content/jdownloads/jdownloads.php:66 |
14 | require_once JROOT/plugins/content/jdownloads/jdownloads.php | JROOT/libraries/src/Plugin/PluginHelper.php:253 |
13 | Joomla\CMS\Plugin\PluginHelper::import() | JROOT/libraries/src/Plugin/PluginHelper.php:182 |
12 | Joomla\CMS\Plugin\PluginHelper::importPlugin() | JROOT/components/com_content/views/featured/view.html.php:78 |
11 | ContentViewFeatured->display() | JROOT/libraries/src/Cache/Controller/ViewController.php:102 |
10 | Joomla\CMS\Cache\Controller\ViewController->get() | JROOT/libraries/src/MVC/Controller/BaseController.php:663 |
9 | Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->display() | JROOT/components/com_content/controller.php:118 |
8 | ContentController->display() | JROOT/libraries/src/MVC/Controller/BaseController.php:710 |
7 | Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->execute() | JROOT/components/com_content/content.php:43 |
6 | require_once JROOT/components/com_content/content.php | JROOT/libraries/src/Component/ComponentHelper.php:402 |
5 | Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::executeComponent() | JROOT/libraries/src/Component/ComponentHelper.php:377 |
4 | Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::renderComponent() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:194 |
3 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->dispatch() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:233 |
2 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->doExecute() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:196 |
1 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute() | JROOT/index.php:49 |
from TGp2o_menu
WHERE link = 'index.php?option=com_jdownloads&view=categories'
and published = 1
id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
1 | SIMPLE | TGp2o_menu | ALL | published | ES KONNTE KEIN INDEX-SCHLÜSSEL GENUTZT WERDEN | NULL | NULL | 80 | Using where |
Status | Duration |
Starting | 0.02 ms |
checking permissions | 0.00 ms |
Opening tables | 0.01 ms |
After opening tables | 0.00 ms |
System lock | 0.00 ms |
table lock | 0.00 ms |
init | 0.01 ms |
Optimizing | 0.01 ms |
Statistics | 0.02 ms |
Preparing | 0.01 ms |
Executing | 0.00 ms |
Sending data | 0.05 ms |
End of update loop | 0.00 ms |
Query end | 0.00 ms |
Commit | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Unlocking tables | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Starting cleanup | 0.00 ms |
Freeing items | 0.00 ms |
Updating status | 0.01 ms |
Reset for next command | 0.00 ms |
# | Aufrufer | Datei und Zeilennummer |
17 | JDatabaseDriverMysqli->execute() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/database/driver.php:1740 |
16 | JDatabaseDriver->loadResult() | JROOT/plugins/content/jdownloads/jdownloads.php:1897 |
15 | jd_CalcItemid() | JROOT/plugins/content/jdownloads/jdownloads.php:69 |
14 | require_once JROOT/plugins/content/jdownloads/jdownloads.php | JROOT/libraries/src/Plugin/PluginHelper.php:253 |
13 | Joomla\CMS\Plugin\PluginHelper::import() | JROOT/libraries/src/Plugin/PluginHelper.php:182 |
12 | Joomla\CMS\Plugin\PluginHelper::importPlugin() | JROOT/components/com_content/views/featured/view.html.php:78 |
11 | ContentViewFeatured->display() | JROOT/libraries/src/Cache/Controller/ViewController.php:102 |
10 | Joomla\CMS\Cache\Controller\ViewController->get() | JROOT/libraries/src/MVC/Controller/BaseController.php:663 |
9 | Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->display() | JROOT/components/com_content/controller.php:118 |
8 | ContentController->display() | JROOT/libraries/src/MVC/Controller/BaseController.php:710 |
7 | Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->execute() | JROOT/components/com_content/content.php:43 |
6 | require_once JROOT/components/com_content/content.php | JROOT/libraries/src/Component/ComponentHelper.php:402 |
5 | Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::executeComponent() | JROOT/libraries/src/Component/ComponentHelper.php:377 |
4 | Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::renderComponent() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:194 |
3 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->dispatch() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:233 |
2 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->doExecute() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:196 |
1 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute() | JROOT/index.php:49 |
SELECT setting_name, setting_value
FROM TGp2o_jdownloads_config
id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
Status | Duration |
Starting | 0.01 ms |
checking permissions | 0.00 ms |
Opening tables | 0.01 ms |
After opening tables | 0.00 ms |
System lock | 0.00 ms |
table lock | 0.00 ms |
init | 0.00 ms |
Optimizing | 0.00 ms |
Statistics | 0.00 ms |
Preparing | 0.00 ms |
Executing | 0.00 ms |
Sending data | 0.13 ms |
End of update loop | 0.00 ms |
Query end | 0.00 ms |
Commit | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Unlocking tables | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Starting cleanup | 0.00 ms |
Freeing items | 0.00 ms |
Updating status | 0.00 ms |
Reset for next command | 0.00 ms |
# | Aufrufer | Datei und Zeilennummer |
17 | JDatabaseDriverMysqli->execute() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/database/driver.php:1701 |
16 | JDatabaseDriver->loadObjectList() | JROOT/plugins/content/jdownloads/jdownloads.php:203 |
15 | buildjlistConfigM() | JROOT/plugins/content/jdownloads/jdownloads.php:71 |
14 | require_once JROOT/plugins/content/jdownloads/jdownloads.php | JROOT/libraries/src/Plugin/PluginHelper.php:253 |
13 | Joomla\CMS\Plugin\PluginHelper::import() | JROOT/libraries/src/Plugin/PluginHelper.php:182 |
12 | Joomla\CMS\Plugin\PluginHelper::importPlugin() | JROOT/components/com_content/views/featured/view.html.php:78 |
11 | ContentViewFeatured->display() | JROOT/libraries/src/Cache/Controller/ViewController.php:102 |
10 | Joomla\CMS\Cache\Controller\ViewController->get() | JROOT/libraries/src/MVC/Controller/BaseController.php:663 |
9 | Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->display() | JROOT/components/com_content/controller.php:118 |
8 | ContentController->display() | JROOT/libraries/src/MVC/Controller/BaseController.php:710 |
7 | Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->execute() | JROOT/components/com_content/content.php:43 |
6 | require_once JROOT/components/com_content/content.php | JROOT/libraries/src/Component/ComponentHelper.php:402 |
5 | Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::executeComponent() | JROOT/libraries/src/Component/ComponentHelper.php:377 |
4 | Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::renderComponent() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:194 |
3 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->dispatch() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:233 |
2 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->doExecute() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:196 |
1 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute() | JROOT/index.php:49 |
SELECT m.id, m.title, m.module, m.position, m.content, m.showtitle, m.params,am.mirror_id, am.params as advancedparams, 0 as menuid, m.publish_up, m.publish_down
FROM TGp2o_modules AS m
LEFT JOIN TGp2o_extensions AS e
ON e.element = m.module
AND e.client_id = m.client_id
LEFT JOIN TGp2o_advancedmodules as am
ON am.moduleid = m.id
WHERE m.published = 1
AND e.enabled = 1
AND m.access IN (1,1,5)
AND m.client_id = 0
ORDER BY m.position, m.ordering
id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
1 | SIMPLE | m | ref | published,newsfeeds | published | 1 | const | 25 | Using index condition; Using where; filesort wurde genutzt |
1 | SIMPLE | am | eq_ref | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 4 | d01df479.m.id | 1 | Using where |
1 | SIMPLE | e | ref | element_clientid,element_folder_clientid | element_clientid | 403 | d01df479.m.module,const | 1 | Using index condition; Using where |
Status | Duration |
Starting | 0.06 ms |
checking permissions | 0.00 ms |
Opening tables | 0.02 ms |
After opening tables | 0.00 ms |
System lock | 0.00 ms |
table lock | 0.00 ms |
init | 0.03 ms |
Optimizing | 0.02 ms |
Statistics | 0.05 ms |
Preparing | 0.02 ms |
Sorting result | 0.01 ms |
Executing | 0.00 ms |
Sending data | 0.02 ms |
Creating sort index | 7.32 ms |
End of update loop | 0.01 ms |
Query end | 0.00 ms |
Commit | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Unlocking tables | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.01 ms |
Starting cleanup | 0.00 ms |
Freeing items | 0.01 ms |
Updating status | 0.00 ms |
Reset for next command | 0.01 ms |
# | Aufrufer | Datei und Zeilennummer |
21 | JDatabaseDriverMysqli->execute() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/database/driver.php:1701 |
20 | JDatabaseDriver->loadObjectList() | JROOT/plugins/system/advancedmodules/advancedmodulehelper.php:366 |
19 | PlgSystemAdvancedModuleHelper->getModuleList() | JROOT/plugins/system/advancedmodules/advancedmodulehelper.php:126 |
18 | PlgSystemAdvancedModuleHelper->onPrepareModuleList() | Derselbe Aufruf in der Zeile darunter. |
17 | call_user_func_array() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/event/dispatcher.php:165 |
16 | JEventDispatcher->trigger() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/BaseApplication.php:108 |
15 | Joomla\CMS\Application\BaseApplication->triggerEvent() | JROOT/libraries/src/Helper/ModuleHelper.php:357 |
14 | Joomla\CMS\Helper\ModuleHelper::load() | JROOT/libraries/src/Helper/ModuleHelper.php:87 |
13 | Joomla\CMS\Helper\ModuleHelper::getModules() | JROOT/libraries/src/Document/HtmlDocument.php:581 |
12 | Joomla\CMS\Document\HtmlDocument->countModules() | JROOT/templates/jomi/warp/systems/joomla/helpers/modules.php:49 |
11 | ModulesWarpHelper->count() | JROOT/templates/jomi/styles/jomi/layouts/template.config.php:26 |
10 | include JROOT/templates/jomi/styles/jomi/layouts/template.config.php | JROOT/templates/jomi/styles/jomi/layouts/template.php:10 |
9 | include JROOT/templates/jomi/styles/jomi/layouts/template.php | JROOT/templates/jomi/warp/helpers/template.php:49 |
8 | TemplateWarpHelper->render() | JROOT/templates/jomi/index.php:55 |
7 | require JROOT/templates/jomi/index.php | JROOT/libraries/src/Document/HtmlDocument.php:658 |
6 | Joomla\CMS\Document\HtmlDocument->_loadTemplate() | JROOT/libraries/src/Document/HtmlDocument.php:720 |
5 | Joomla\CMS\Document\HtmlDocument->_fetchTemplate() | JROOT/libraries/src/Document/HtmlDocument.php:535 |
4 | Joomla\CMS\Document\HtmlDocument->parse() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:1030 |
3 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->render() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:778 |
2 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->render() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:202 |
1 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute() | JROOT/index.php:49 |
SELECT m.menutype
FROM TGp2o_menu AS m
WHERE m.id = 101
id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
1 | SIMPLE | m | const | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 4 | const | 1 |
Status | Duration |
Starting | 0.02 ms |
checking permissions | 0.00 ms |
Opening tables | 0.01 ms |
After opening tables | 0.00 ms |
System lock | 0.00 ms |
table lock | 0.00 ms |
init | 0.01 ms |
Optimizing | 0.01 ms |
Statistics | 0.02 ms |
Preparing | 0.00 ms |
Unlocking tables | 0.00 ms |
Preparing | 0.01 ms |
Executing | 0.00 ms |
Sending data | 0.01 ms |
End of update loop | 0.00 ms |
Query end | 0.00 ms |
Commit | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Unlocking tables | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Starting cleanup | 0.00 ms |
Freeing items | 0.00 ms |
Updating status | 0.00 ms |
Reset for next command | 0.00 ms |
# | Aufrufer | Datei und Zeilennummer |
24 | JDatabaseDriverMysqli->execute() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/database/driver.php:1740 |
23 | JDatabaseDriver->loadResult() | JROOT/plugins/system/nnframework/helpers/assignments/menu.php:79 |
22 | NNFrameworkAssignmentsMenu->getMenuType() | JROOT/plugins/system/nnframework/helpers/assignments/menu.php:28 |
21 | NNFrameworkAssignmentsMenu->passMenu() | JROOT/plugins/system/nnframework/helpers/assignments.php:345 |
20 | NNFrameworkAssignmentsHelper->passAllByType() | JROOT/plugins/system/nnframework/helpers/assignments.php:289 |
19 | NNFrameworkAssignmentsHelper->passAll() | JROOT/plugins/system/advancedmodules/advancedmodulehelper.php:191 |
18 | PlgSystemAdvancedModuleHelper->onPrepareModuleList() | Derselbe Aufruf in der Zeile darunter. |
17 | call_user_func_array() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/event/dispatcher.php:165 |
16 | JEventDispatcher->trigger() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/BaseApplication.php:108 |
15 | Joomla\CMS\Application\BaseApplication->triggerEvent() | JROOT/libraries/src/Helper/ModuleHelper.php:357 |
14 | Joomla\CMS\Helper\ModuleHelper::load() | JROOT/libraries/src/Helper/ModuleHelper.php:87 |
13 | Joomla\CMS\Helper\ModuleHelper::getModules() | JROOT/libraries/src/Document/HtmlDocument.php:581 |
12 | Joomla\CMS\Document\HtmlDocument->countModules() | JROOT/templates/jomi/warp/systems/joomla/helpers/modules.php:49 |
11 | ModulesWarpHelper->count() | JROOT/templates/jomi/styles/jomi/layouts/template.config.php:26 |
10 | include JROOT/templates/jomi/styles/jomi/layouts/template.config.php | JROOT/templates/jomi/styles/jomi/layouts/template.php:10 |
9 | include JROOT/templates/jomi/styles/jomi/layouts/template.php | JROOT/templates/jomi/warp/helpers/template.php:49 |
8 | TemplateWarpHelper->render() | JROOT/templates/jomi/index.php:55 |
7 | require JROOT/templates/jomi/index.php | JROOT/libraries/src/Document/HtmlDocument.php:658 |
6 | Joomla\CMS\Document\HtmlDocument->_loadTemplate() | JROOT/libraries/src/Document/HtmlDocument.php:720 |
5 | Joomla\CMS\Document\HtmlDocument->_fetchTemplate() | JROOT/libraries/src/Document/HtmlDocument.php:535 |
4 | Joomla\CMS\Document\HtmlDocument->parse() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:1030 |
3 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->render() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:778 |
2 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->render() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:202 |
1 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute() | JROOT/index.php:49 |
SHOW TABLES LIKE "TGp2o_virtuemart_configs"
Status | Duration |
Starting | 0.03 ms |
checking permissions | 0.00 ms |
Opening tables | 0.02 ms |
After opening tables | 0.00 ms |
System lock | 0.00 ms |
table lock | 0.00 ms |
init | 0.01 ms |
Optimizing | 0.00 ms |
Statistics | 0.01 ms |
Preparing | 0.01 ms |
Executing | 0.00 ms |
Filling schema table | 0.00 ms |
checking permissions | 18.98 ms |
Executing | 0.01 ms |
Sending data | 0.01 ms |
End of update loop | 0.00 ms |
Query end | 0.00 ms |
Commit | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Removing tmp table | 0.01 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Unlocking tables | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Starting cleanup | 0.00 ms |
Freeing items | 0.00 ms |
Updating status | 0.01 ms |
Reset for next command | 0.00 ms |
# | Aufrufer | Datei und Zeilennummer |
34 | JDatabaseDriverMysqli->execute() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/database/driver.php:1740 |
33 | JDatabaseDriver->loadResult() | JROOT/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/helpers/vmtable.php:723 |
32 | VmTable::checkTableExists() | JROOT/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/models/config.php:565 |
31 | VirtueMartModelConfig::checkConfigTableExists() | JROOT/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/helpers/config.php:406 |
30 | VmConfig::loadConfig() | JROOT/components/com_virtuemart/router.php:898 |
29 | vmrouterHelper::getInstance() | JROOT/components/com_virtuemart/router.php:27 |
28 | virtuemartBuildRoute() | JROOT/libraries/src/Component/Router/RouterLegacy.php:69 |
27 | Joomla\CMS\Component\Router\RouterLegacy->build() | JROOT/libraries/src/Router/SiteRouter.php:528 |
26 | Joomla\CMS\Router\SiteRouter->buildSefRoute() | JROOT/libraries/src/Router/SiteRouter.php:498 |
25 | Joomla\CMS\Router\SiteRouter->_buildSefRoute() | JROOT/libraries/src/Router/Router.php:281 |
24 | Joomla\CMS\Router\Router->build() | JROOT/libraries/src/Router/SiteRouter.php:154 |
23 | Joomla\CMS\Router\SiteRouter->build() | JROOT/libraries/src/Router/Route.php:144 |
22 | Joomla\CMS\Router\Route::link() | JROOT/libraries/src/Router/Route.php:93 |
21 | Joomla\CMS\Router\Route::_() | JROOT/modules/mod_menu/helper.php:139 |
20 | ModMenuHelper::getList() | JROOT/modules/mod_menu/mod_menu.php:15 |
19 | include JROOT/modules/mod_menu/mod_menu.php | JROOT/libraries/src/Helper/ModuleHelper.php:200 |
18 | Joomla\CMS\Helper\ModuleHelper::renderModule() | Derselbe Aufruf in der Zeile darunter. |
17 | call_user_func_array() | JROOT/libraries/src/Cache/Controller/CallbackController.php:173 |
16 | Joomla\CMS\Cache\Controller\CallbackController->get() | JROOT/libraries/src/Helper/ModuleHelper.php:624 |
15 | Joomla\CMS\Helper\ModuleHelper::moduleCache() | JROOT/libraries/src/Document/Renderer/Html/ModuleRenderer.php:95 |
14 | Joomla\CMS\Document\Renderer\Html\ModuleRenderer->render() | JROOT/templates/jomi/warp/systems/joomla/helpers/modules.php:86 |
13 | ModulesWarpHelper->load() | JROOT/templates/jomi/warp/systems/joomla/layouts/modules.php:10 |
12 | include JROOT/templates/jomi/warp/systems/joomla/layouts/modules.php | JROOT/templates/jomi/warp/helpers/template.php:49 |
11 | TemplateWarpHelper->render() | JROOT/templates/jomi/warp/systems/joomla/helpers/modules.php:64 |
10 | ModulesWarpHelper->render() | JROOT/templates/jomi/styles/jomi/layouts/template.php:91 |
9 | include JROOT/templates/jomi/styles/jomi/layouts/template.php | JROOT/templates/jomi/warp/helpers/template.php:49 |
8 | TemplateWarpHelper->render() | JROOT/templates/jomi/index.php:55 |
7 | require JROOT/templates/jomi/index.php | JROOT/libraries/src/Document/HtmlDocument.php:658 |
6 | Joomla\CMS\Document\HtmlDocument->_loadTemplate() | JROOT/libraries/src/Document/HtmlDocument.php:720 |
5 | Joomla\CMS\Document\HtmlDocument->_fetchTemplate() | JROOT/libraries/src/Document/HtmlDocument.php:535 |
4 | Joomla\CMS\Document\HtmlDocument->parse() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:1030 |
3 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->render() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:778 |
2 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->render() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:202 |
1 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute() | JROOT/index.php:49 |
SELECT `config`
FROM `TGp2o_virtuemart_configs`
WHERE `virtuemart_config_id` = "1";
id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
1 | SIMPLE | TGp2o_virtuemart_configs | system | PRIMARY | ES KONNTE KEIN INDEX-SCHLÜSSEL GENUTZT WERDEN | NULL | NULL | 1 |
Status | Duration |
Starting | 0.03 ms |
checking permissions | 0.00 ms |
Opening tables | 0.01 ms |
After opening tables | 0.00 ms |
System lock | 0.00 ms |
table lock | 0.00 ms |
init | 0.01 ms |
Optimizing | 0.01 ms |
Statistics | 0.02 ms |
Preparing | 0.00 ms |
Unlocking tables | 0.00 ms |
Preparing | 0.01 ms |
Executing | 0.00 ms |
Sending data | 0.01 ms |
End of update loop | 0.00 ms |
Query end | 0.00 ms |
Commit | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Unlocking tables | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Starting cleanup | 0.00 ms |
Freeing items | 0.00 ms |
Updating status | 0.01 ms |
Reset for next command | 0.00 ms |
# | Aufrufer | Datei und Zeilennummer |
32 | JDatabaseDriverMysqli->execute() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/database/driver.php:1740 |
31 | JDatabaseDriver->loadResult() | JROOT/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/helpers/config.php:446 |
30 | VmConfig::loadConfig() | JROOT/components/com_virtuemart/router.php:898 |
29 | vmrouterHelper::getInstance() | JROOT/components/com_virtuemart/router.php:27 |
28 | virtuemartBuildRoute() | JROOT/libraries/src/Component/Router/RouterLegacy.php:69 |
27 | Joomla\CMS\Component\Router\RouterLegacy->build() | JROOT/libraries/src/Router/SiteRouter.php:528 |
26 | Joomla\CMS\Router\SiteRouter->buildSefRoute() | JROOT/libraries/src/Router/SiteRouter.php:498 |
25 | Joomla\CMS\Router\SiteRouter->_buildSefRoute() | JROOT/libraries/src/Router/Router.php:281 |
24 | Joomla\CMS\Router\Router->build() | JROOT/libraries/src/Router/SiteRouter.php:154 |
23 | Joomla\CMS\Router\SiteRouter->build() | JROOT/libraries/src/Router/Route.php:144 |
22 | Joomla\CMS\Router\Route::link() | JROOT/libraries/src/Router/Route.php:93 |
21 | Joomla\CMS\Router\Route::_() | JROOT/modules/mod_menu/helper.php:139 |
20 | ModMenuHelper::getList() | JROOT/modules/mod_menu/mod_menu.php:15 |
19 | include JROOT/modules/mod_menu/mod_menu.php | JROOT/libraries/src/Helper/ModuleHelper.php:200 |
18 | Joomla\CMS\Helper\ModuleHelper::renderModule() | Derselbe Aufruf in der Zeile darunter. |
17 | call_user_func_array() | JROOT/libraries/src/Cache/Controller/CallbackController.php:173 |
16 | Joomla\CMS\Cache\Controller\CallbackController->get() | JROOT/libraries/src/Helper/ModuleHelper.php:624 |
15 | Joomla\CMS\Helper\ModuleHelper::moduleCache() | JROOT/libraries/src/Document/Renderer/Html/ModuleRenderer.php:95 |
14 | Joomla\CMS\Document\Renderer\Html\ModuleRenderer->render() | JROOT/templates/jomi/warp/systems/joomla/helpers/modules.php:86 |
13 | ModulesWarpHelper->load() | JROOT/templates/jomi/warp/systems/joomla/layouts/modules.php:10 |
12 | include JROOT/templates/jomi/warp/systems/joomla/layouts/modules.php | JROOT/templates/jomi/warp/helpers/template.php:49 |
11 | TemplateWarpHelper->render() | JROOT/templates/jomi/warp/systems/joomla/helpers/modules.php:64 |
10 | ModulesWarpHelper->render() | JROOT/templates/jomi/styles/jomi/layouts/template.php:91 |
9 | include JROOT/templates/jomi/styles/jomi/layouts/template.php | JROOT/templates/jomi/warp/helpers/template.php:49 |
8 | TemplateWarpHelper->render() | JROOT/templates/jomi/index.php:55 |
7 | require JROOT/templates/jomi/index.php | JROOT/libraries/src/Document/HtmlDocument.php:658 |
6 | Joomla\CMS\Document\HtmlDocument->_loadTemplate() | JROOT/libraries/src/Document/HtmlDocument.php:720 |
5 | Joomla\CMS\Document\HtmlDocument->_fetchTemplate() | JROOT/libraries/src/Document/HtmlDocument.php:535 |
4 | Joomla\CMS\Document\HtmlDocument->parse() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:1030 |
3 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->render() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:778 |
2 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->render() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:202 |
1 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute() | JROOT/index.php:49 |
FROM `TGp2o_menu`
WHERE `link` like "index.php?option=com_virtuemart%"
and client_id=0
and published=1
and (language="*" or language = "de-DE" )
AND ( access="1" OR access="5" )
ORDER BY `language` DESC
id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
1 | SIMPLE | TGp2o_menu | ref | idx_client_id_parent_id_alias_language,idx_language,published,access | idx_client_id_parent_id_alias_language | 1 | const | 15 | Using index condition; Using where; filesort wurde genutzt |
Status | Duration |
Starting | 0.03 ms |
checking permissions | 0.00 ms |
Opening tables | 0.01 ms |
After opening tables | 0.00 ms |
System lock | 0.00 ms |
table lock | 0.00 ms |
init | 0.02 ms |
Optimizing | 0.01 ms |
Statistics | 0.05 ms |
Preparing | 0.02 ms |
Sorting result | 0.00 ms |
Executing | 0.00 ms |
Sending data | 0.01 ms |
Creating sort index | 0.09 ms |
End of update loop | 0.00 ms |
Query end | 0.00 ms |
Commit | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Unlocking tables | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.01 ms |
Starting cleanup | 0.00 ms |
Freeing items | 0.00 ms |
Updating status | 0.01 ms |
Reset for next command | 0.00 ms |
# | Aufrufer | Datei und Zeilennummer |
33 | JDatabaseDriverMysqli->execute() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/database/driver.php:1701 |
32 | JDatabaseDriver->loadObjectList() | JROOT/components/com_virtuemart/router.php:1329 |
31 | vmrouterHelper->setMenuItemId() | JROOT/components/com_virtuemart/router.php:889 |
30 | vmrouterHelper->__construct() | JROOT/components/com_virtuemart/router.php:903 |
29 | vmrouterHelper::getInstance() | JROOT/components/com_virtuemart/router.php:27 |
28 | virtuemartBuildRoute() | JROOT/libraries/src/Component/Router/RouterLegacy.php:69 |
27 | Joomla\CMS\Component\Router\RouterLegacy->build() | JROOT/libraries/src/Router/SiteRouter.php:528 |
26 | Joomla\CMS\Router\SiteRouter->buildSefRoute() | JROOT/libraries/src/Router/SiteRouter.php:498 |
25 | Joomla\CMS\Router\SiteRouter->_buildSefRoute() | JROOT/libraries/src/Router/Router.php:281 |
24 | Joomla\CMS\Router\Router->build() | JROOT/libraries/src/Router/SiteRouter.php:154 |
23 | Joomla\CMS\Router\SiteRouter->build() | JROOT/libraries/src/Router/Route.php:144 |
22 | Joomla\CMS\Router\Route::link() | JROOT/libraries/src/Router/Route.php:93 |
21 | Joomla\CMS\Router\Route::_() | JROOT/modules/mod_menu/helper.php:139 |
20 | ModMenuHelper::getList() | JROOT/modules/mod_menu/mod_menu.php:15 |
19 | include JROOT/modules/mod_menu/mod_menu.php | JROOT/libraries/src/Helper/ModuleHelper.php:200 |
18 | Joomla\CMS\Helper\ModuleHelper::renderModule() | Derselbe Aufruf in der Zeile darunter. |
17 | call_user_func_array() | JROOT/libraries/src/Cache/Controller/CallbackController.php:173 |
16 | Joomla\CMS\Cache\Controller\CallbackController->get() | JROOT/libraries/src/Helper/ModuleHelper.php:624 |
15 | Joomla\CMS\Helper\ModuleHelper::moduleCache() | JROOT/libraries/src/Document/Renderer/Html/ModuleRenderer.php:95 |
14 | Joomla\CMS\Document\Renderer\Html\ModuleRenderer->render() | JROOT/templates/jomi/warp/systems/joomla/helpers/modules.php:86 |
13 | ModulesWarpHelper->load() | JROOT/templates/jomi/warp/systems/joomla/layouts/modules.php:10 |
12 | include JROOT/templates/jomi/warp/systems/joomla/layouts/modules.php | JROOT/templates/jomi/warp/helpers/template.php:49 |
11 | TemplateWarpHelper->render() | JROOT/templates/jomi/warp/systems/joomla/helpers/modules.php:64 |
10 | ModulesWarpHelper->render() | JROOT/templates/jomi/styles/jomi/layouts/template.php:91 |
9 | include JROOT/templates/jomi/styles/jomi/layouts/template.php | JROOT/templates/jomi/warp/helpers/template.php:49 |
8 | TemplateWarpHelper->render() | JROOT/templates/jomi/index.php:55 |
7 | require JROOT/templates/jomi/index.php | JROOT/libraries/src/Document/HtmlDocument.php:658 |
6 | Joomla\CMS\Document\HtmlDocument->_loadTemplate() | JROOT/libraries/src/Document/HtmlDocument.php:720 |
5 | Joomla\CMS\Document\HtmlDocument->_fetchTemplate() | JROOT/libraries/src/Document/HtmlDocument.php:535 |
4 | Joomla\CMS\Document\HtmlDocument->parse() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:1030 |
3 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->render() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:778 |
2 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->render() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:202 |
1 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute() | JROOT/index.php:49 |
Status | Duration |
Starting | 0.03 ms |
checking permissions | 0.00 ms |
Opening tables | 0.04 ms |
After opening tables | 0.00 ms |
System lock | 0.00 ms |
table lock | 0.00 ms |
init | 0.01 ms |
Optimizing | 0.00 ms |
Statistics | 0.01 ms |
Preparing | 0.02 ms |
Executing | 0.00 ms |
Filling schema table | 0.00 ms |
checking permissions | 0.39 ms |
Executing | 0.00 ms |
Sending data | 0.04 ms |
End of update loop | 0.00 ms |
Query end | 0.00 ms |
Commit | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Removing tmp table | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Unlocking tables | 0.00 ms |
closing tables | 0.00 ms |
Starting cleanup | 0.00 ms |
Freeing items | 0.00 ms |
Updating status | 0.01 ms |
Reset for next command | 0.00 ms |
# | Aufrufer | Datei und Zeilennummer |
11 | JDatabaseDriverMysqli->execute() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/database/driver.php:1550 |
10 | JDatabaseDriver->loadColumn() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/database/driver/mysqli.php:502 |
9 | JDatabaseDriverMysqli->getTableList() | JROOT/plugins/system/jdownloads/jdownloads.php:253 |
8 | plgSystemjdownloads->onAfterRender() | Derselbe Aufruf in der Zeile darunter. |
7 | call_user_func_array() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/event/event.php:70 |
6 | JEvent->update() | JROOT/libraries/joomla/event/dispatcher.php:160 |
5 | JEventDispatcher->trigger() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/BaseApplication.php:108 |
4 | Joomla\CMS\Application\BaseApplication->triggerEvent() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:1050 |
3 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->render() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:778 |
2 | Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->render() | JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:202 |
1 | Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute() | JROOT/index.php:49 |
8 × SELECT id
FROM TGp2o_menu
2 × SELECT setting_name, setting_value
FROM TGp2o_jdownloads_confi
2 × SELECT file_id
from TGp2o_jdownloads_files
2 × SELECT id, link, published, access, language
FROM TGp2o_menu
2 × SELECT id, link
from TGp2o_menu
2 × SELECT `extension_id` AS `id`,`element` AS `option`,`params`,`enabled`
FROM `TGp2o_extensions`
1 × SELECT id
from TGp2o_menu
1 × SELECT m.id, m.title, m.module, m.position, m.content, m.showtitle, m.params,am.mirror_id, am.params as advancedparams, 0 as menuid, m.publish_up, m.publish_down
FROM TGp2o_modules AS m
LEFT JOIN TGp2o_extensions AS e
ON e.element = m.module
AND e.client_id = m.client_id
LEFT JOIN TGp2o_advancedmodules as am
ON am.moduleid = m.id
1 × SELECT *
FROM `TGp2o_menu`
1 × SELECT `config`
FROM `TGp2o_virtuemart_configs`
1 × SELECT m.menutype
FROM TGp2o_menu AS m
FROM TGp2o_content AS a
INNER JOIN TGp2o_content_frontpage AS fp
ON fp.content_id = a.id
LEFT JOIN TGp2o_categories AS c
ON c.id = a.catid
LEFT JOIN TGp2o_users AS ua
ON ua.id = a.created_by
LEFT JOIN TGp2o_users AS uam
ON uam.id = a.modified_by
LEFT JOIN TGp2o_categories as parent
ON parent.id = c.parent_id
LEFT JOIN TGp2o_content_rating AS v
ON a.id = v.content_id
1 × SELECT `id`,`name`,`rules`,`parent_id`
FROM `TGp2o_assets`
1 × SELECT b.id
FROM TGp2o_usergroups AS a
LEFT JOIN TGp2o_usergroups AS b
ON b.lft <= a.lft
AND b.rgt >= a.rgt
1 × SELECT id, rules
FROM `TGp2o_viewlevels
1 × SELECT `session_id`
FROM `TGp2o_session`
1 × SELECT `folder` AS `type`,`element` AS `name`,`params` AS `params`,`extension_id` AS `id`
FROM TGp2o_extensions
1 × SELECT m.id, m.menutype, m.title, m.alias, m.note, m.path AS route, m.link, m.type, m.level, m.language,`m`.`browserNav`, m.access, m.params, m.home, m.img, m.template_style_id, m.component_id, m.parent_id,e.element as component
FROM TGp2o_menu AS m
LEFT JOIN TGp2o_extensions AS e
ON m.component_id = e.extension_id
1 × SELECT `data`
FROM `TGp2o_session`
1 × SELECT *
FROM TGp2o_languages
1 × SELECT id, home, template, s.params
FROM TGp2o_template_styles as s
LEFT JOIN TGp2o_extensions as e
ON e.element=s.template
AND e.type='template'
AND e.client_id=s.client_id
1 × SELECT a.id, a.title, a.alias, a.introtext, a.fulltext, a.checked_out, a.checked_out_time, a.catid, a.created, a.created_by, a.created_by_alias,
CASE WHEN c.published = 2
AND a.state > 0 THEN 2 WHEN c.published != 1 THEN 0 ELSE a.state END as state,
CASE WHEN a.modified = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' THEN a.created ELSE a.modified END as modified, a.modified_by, uam.name as modified_by_name,
CASE WHEN a.publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' THEN a.created ELSE a.publish_up END as publish_up,a.publish_down, a.images, a.urls, a.attribs, a.metadata, a.metakey, a.metadesc, a.access, a.hits, a.xreference, a.featured, a.language, LENGTH(a.fulltext) AS readmore, a.ordering,fp.ordering,c.title AS category_title, c.path AS category_route, c.access AS category_access, c.alias AS category_alias,c.published, c.published AS parents_published, c.lft,
CASE WHEN a.created_by_alias > ' ' THEN a.created_by_alias ELSE ua.name END AS author,ua.email AS author_email,parent.title as parent_title, parent.id as parent_id, parent.path as parent_route, parent.alias as parent_alias,COALESCE(NULLIF(ROUND(v.rating_sum / v.rating_count, 0), 0), 0) AS rating, COALESCE(NULLIF(v.rating_count, 0), 0) as rating_count
FROM TGp2o_content AS a
INNER JOIN TGp2o_content_frontpage AS fp
ON fp.content_id = a.id
LEFT JOIN TGp2o_categories AS c
ON c.id = a.catid
LEFT JOIN TGp2o_users AS ua
ON ua.id = a.created_by
LEFT JOIN TGp2o_users AS uam
ON uam.id = a.modified_by
LEFT JOIN TGp2o_categories as parent
ON parent.id = c.parent_id
LEFT JOIN TGp2o_content_rating AS v
ON a.id = v.content_id
1 × SHOW TABLES LIKE "TGp2o_virtuemart_configs
1 × UPDATE `TGp2o_extensions`
SET `params` = '{\"mediaversion\":\"5b2ade23e8241aff981300e7f7b28605\"}'
1 × INSERT INTO `TGp2o_session` (`session_id`,`guest`,`time`,`userid`,`username`,`client_id`)
VALUES ('748d4386ae50e71eb7082b7cf588e911', 1, 1733584335, 0, '', 0